WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW: Shobu and Rekuta arrive by train to a town they mistake for Light Civilization Land but it is actually just next door ? Light Civilization Land Adjacent. Here they meet Betty and her father, Senior Rubi... more »o, the proprietor of the local card shop and dueling center, where dozens of citizens have gathered to duel. It turns out that Shobu has to duel EVERYONE in town or he can?t proceed to Light Civilization Land!
LIGHTEN UP: Shobu defeats Senior Rubio, the 100th duelist in town, which means he is now free to continue on to the Light Civilization Land. But after a harrowing journey, he learns that only those who seek to become Kaijudo can pass on through to Light Civilization Land. And to prove his dedication, Shobu must beat the keeper in a Kaijudo duel!
YOU LIGHT UP MY LIFE ~ Bonus Episode: Continuing the cliffhanger from the end of last episode: the Gate to the entrance to Light Civilization Land is fiercely guarded by La Byle. But the creature is chased off by a blast of rainbow light from Shobu?s special deck case of his dad?s that his mom had just given him prior to setting off on this quest! After some harrowing battles, Shobu concludes his wild adventures with Rekuta in Light Civilization Land!
IF EVER A QUIZ THERE WAS ~ Bonus Episode: Shobu and Rekuta?s next destination is the realm of Water Civilization ? a world made up of half land and half sea, with inhabitants who used to be sea creatures but who have learned to adapt to both in order to survive. While on their journey, Shobu and Rekatu have an argument and go their separate ways ? but are subsequently reunited when they both wind up in a Quiz duel master tournament!« less