2012 Prophecies
G. Sanders | Oregon | 06/26/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As always Drunvalo brings forth his child-like joyous optimism ... the future is not to be feared, it is the natural progression. We are moving toward unity consciousness ... let go and go for the ride.
This is a wonderful in-person look at how things are and how things will be and I loved it."
Drunvalo as a Talking Head / Infomercial
Inayat2012 youtube | USA | 03/21/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Throughout most of this video you see Drunvalo's head. Most of the time he is not even looking at the camera. The directors tried to get this material to be more interesting by using very odd angles and diagonals at times. In truth this is just an infomercial for Drunvalo's latest book.
Things are moving so fast now, and people who are tuned in, are finding their answers within themselves and nature, are finding that folks who were once heralds of the New Age/Change movement, such as Drunvalo, are now just talking heads. I (amoung most people perhaps who have a generally positive view of Drunvalo) do not understand why this DVD was made. Most of the 'information' that is here Drunvalo has already talked about.
In the beginning of the video Drunvalo gets himself into very shaky ground. He lays out what he considers to be THE factual story behind how the universe was created and what God did in the beginning. I have heard better and more compelling versions of this story for aboriginal sources. Dunvalo attempts to tie the original creation state into the 'zero point' field which puts it on very thin ice from all angles, cosmological, scientific, etc. His mapping of God, Melchidizek, Christ, the this other persona he refers to is purely his own imagination, his spin on the truth. And I find that much of this content is his story, his gospel, that he, as the priest, wants you to believe, just trust him. This kind of thinking is the antithesis to a genuine spiritual path. You don't just take someones word, they being the authority, instead your find out for yourself.
This DVD should have been more about helping folks how to tune into changes in consciousness within themselves first. Instead we hear more about numbers and how Drunvalo warned the Germans and all this and that. This seems to continue an abberation that was started in Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012 where Drunvalo has all these amazing (and less and less believable) experiences where he was THE ONLY person who could have done them. This is completely mis-aligned. It is not about you or me anymore. Drunvalo, it is not about you. It is not about how special you are and that angels and other beings have taught you and what you know. We love you but stop taking the view of Drunvalo. This is about aligning with the higher cosmic forces (which are US) seeking fuller expression in this plane. Any talk which does not support the archetypes of being to become more fully present on this plane is just the work of talking heads. The teachers now need to empower everyone who is awake on how to tune in and turn on in the heart. To be a channel on the path of oneness requires you to be able to loose the identity of your(ego)self in the divine fire of love.
This DVD is not up to the level of true cosmic alignment for enlightened resonance. It is just talk. And for that I cannot recommend it. If you want to tune in to what is going on look within. For me the voices outside of the native lineage holders who are onto something are those like George Kavassilas and David Sereda (Coast to Coast AM - 12-21-09 - Energy Shifts & 2012) are more tuned in to whatever 'information' you feel you need to hear. If you are looking for a meaningful book on 2012 you should go here The 2012 Story: The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History"
Drunvalo is always a treat
Gregory D. Mcguigan | 03/30/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Having read everything Drunvalo has put out I was reluctant to purchase a DVD. I am very glad I did. I was able to personally connect with this message in ways that I had not expected. The transformation that the earth is undergoing is delineated in a sincere and fresh way that would make anyone who is familiar with Drunvalo and his message uplifted in joy and excitement. There was "new" information in the DVD that i had not come across before. A great amount of indigenous information and wisdom is shared here as well. The only reason i gave this 4 stars instead of 5 is due to the filmaker's artsy attempt to change between color and black and white. It detracted from the message and I thought that something was wrong with the disc. While i do not agree with everything Drunvalo states in this talk, I did learn a great deal."
2012 Prophecies
Jeanine Martin | Trinidad, CA USA | 03/19/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Drunvalo Melchizedek's - 2012 - Prophecies from the Heart - is wonderful, and you will want to see it several times. Drunvalo's knowledge of Mayan culture, and many other indigenous tribes, is extraordinary and memorable. It gives one much to think about the times we're living in, and a serene and intelligent perspective of dealing with the changes in our world."