"I consider myself a pop culture know it all but this is one film that slipped past me until recently. "Drop Sqaud" is an early 90's film that stars a couple of up and coming actors who went on to be big stars such as Ving Rhames (Baby Boy), Eric La Salle (E.R.), Vanessa L. Williams (Soul Food the Showtime Series), and a couple of other well known African-American actors like the actor who portrayed the father on "Moesha" and others.
The Drop Squad is a pro-black group of young people who kidnap and attempt to brain wash, or reprogram other blacks who are no longer positive to the black community. They kidnap a drug dealer, a corrupt minister and a young marketing executive portrayed by Eriq La Salle. They kidnap him at his sisters request. At his job he doesn't stand up for the African-American people when negative ad campaigns are proposed. He is ashamed of his own family (with just cause for some members) and even refers to a cousin of his as a coon I believe.
Anyway, this film is entertaining. The Drop Squad uses very strange tactics for reprogramming, simulated lynching, yelling in peoples faces, imprisoning the kidnappees and lectures among other tactics. The Drop Squad members take things too far and start to get violent sometimes. Oh yeah, The Drop Squad is a top secret organization that is spread by whispers and word of mouth. At times, I thought I was watching a real B movie, something that no one else probably had heard of. The film will take you back to the early 90's. The editing was quite good the way that they cut from past to present and flashbacks. If you missed this one the first time around it's worth checking out on DVD, even if only to check out some of your favorite stars before they hit it big."
Drop Squad
nyk1994 | Renton, WA USA | 03/07/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A Movie about a sell out black male. Who will do anything to make that money. He get's kidnapped by the drop squad. They try to strighten him out. Very Good movie! Bamboozled is another good one! Kind of the same concept."
"Come back brother"
Nuisance | Miami | 10/13/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'll admit that I didnt know of this films existence until a critically acclaimed movie critic went on a rant against it. That was enough to make me go out and get it. The story is simple enough: the Drop Squad(Drop is an acronym for Deprogramming and Restoration Of Pride) is group that kidnap ignorant sellout blacks and force them to reconnect with their culture while getting them to realize what they're doing to their people is wrong. Rocky Seavers(Vondie Curtis-Hall) is the leader and has questions about some of the methods that the Drop Squad use on sellouts and begins to bump heads with one of his comrades, Garvey(Ving Rhames) about the methods used. They end up kidnapping corporate clown by the name of Bruford Jamison(Eriq La Salle). From then on Bruford gets flashbacks on all the times he sold out and recalls a crucial moment when he screwed over his own brother Flip(Afemo Omilami)by refusing to come help him out when he tried to get a job at his workplace. The acting is great. Eriq La Salle, Vondie Curtis-Hall and Ving Rhames all turn in some good performances. I like the message of the movie and felt that the scene where Flip confronts Bruford was a touching scene as well as the scene where Rocky talks to Bruford. Closing comments: Drop Squad is a necessary requirement for everybody thats into movies with substance. If the Drop Squad really exist then I'm glad they did but if they didnt I couldnt be more disappointed especially since we need them now more than ever! Two Thumbs Way Up."
Cool timely movie
mistermaxxx@yahoo.com | usa | 08/20/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"this is a film that hardly got any buzz, but if you get a moment it should be checked out. it speaks about Race and how it is reflected within Black folks in this film when it comes to Dollars&Cents. it makes you think, there is comedy involved, but at the heart of the matter is a Message to wake up&know your past in order to understand the present&lead to the future."
Shaking it over here boss!!!!
Kurupt | chicago | 12/09/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was cool. it had its messages and has some good comedic moments."