Little Corey Gorey Corey knows the meaning of Murphy's Law: If something could go wrong it went wrong for Corey. Loaded with work downtrodden and scarred from daily scrutiny Corey has nothing to look forward to. When ... more »he and his step-brother Biff get into a heated argument over a girl they both like the end result is deadly. Horrified and confused Corey winds up in a tangled web of lies deception and murder. An oddly compelling and warped film with bizarre twists around every corner.Runtime: 89 minutes Birds of PreyWhile covering a story about a farmer attacked by his chickens Vanessa (Michelle Johnson) an attractive young television journalist begins to perceive her assignment in a different light as it becomes apparent that this was not just an isolated incident Small European villages are being attacked without reason by local pigeons doves and other birds and Vanessa along with her cameraman (Christopher Atkins of the Blue Lagoon) attempt to figure it all out.Runtime: 100 minutesSlashdance Lovely young dancers are vanishing when they answer casting calls at an old vaudeville theatre in Hollywood. Tori Raines a feisty and beautiful detective goes undercover to find the killer. Her beauty lands her a part in the chorus line where she can conduct her investigation among the costumes and glitter. Despite romance twists and terror Tori tracks down the deadly threat in a chilling chase.Runtime: 100 minutes Kiss Daddy Goodnight A night baby faced Laura (Uma Thurman) is a teenage femme fatale roaming the nocturnal streets of New York in search of men. Adopting different disguises Laura haunts the streets of New York in search of men. Adopting different disguises Laura haunts the happening downtown spots reeling in a new victim each night who she drugs then robs. But this man killer turns into a woman in danger when a creepy and mysterious older man decides she is a dead ringer for his missing daughter.Runtime: 89 minutesFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre:&nbs« less