Drive-In Discs,Vol.1:Screaming Skull/Giant Leeches
M. Dobson | desert south west | 08/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you are looking for the spooky and not the gore, if you want something that the younger kids can watch these are the movies for you.
Lots of acting without all the special effects.
No oscars here but lots of fun.
Get out the popcorn and enjoy."
A Fun Trip Back to Drive-In Days
Baron Sardonicus | Pennsylvania | 10/05/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is really a cool way to experience those cheesy, 'so bad they're good' b-movies of yesteryear. It's the next best thing to using a time machine to go back to the old drive-in movies.
At the main menu of the dvd you can go to the ticket booth icon, and this starts the show. (You can jump to any of the features if you like, but this Ticket Booth option is the best way to do it.) Once you've started things via the ticket booth, you will then enjoy (among other things): The Star Spangled Banner, adverts for concession treats, a couple of old cartoons, reminders from theater management about not talking during the film, and a b-movie double feature.
It gets better. The coolest part is that there's an alternate audio track you can select during the films that contain the 'speaker' sound of the film as if you were sitting in a car, plus sound effects of people walking past your car on the gravel, a little comment here and there by someone in the next car, crickets, and other 'natural' sounds. It is a hoot. (And you can always just change the sound to the regular movie audio without these extra effects.)
The picture quality is mediocre at best, but the nostalgia makes it totally worthwhile. Yes, the whole experience is very kitsch and campy, but it's like capturing something from the past. It's the next best thing to being there."
Lets All Go To The Lobby!!!!
Stanley Runk | Camp North Pines | 04/17/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is more of a praise of the DVD itself rather than of the two films contained within. After all, nearly every household in America has copies of the Screaming Skull and Attack of the Giant Leeches, so reviews for those films would just be redundant and gauche.
But this Drive-In Discs DVD package from Elite Entertainment is very good. Obviously something put together by folks who love the old drive-in experience. Once you start the program(or buy the ticket as it were), you're treated to vintage drive-in fun: concession stand ads, a "don't talk during the movie" spot, a "no public display of affection" spot(you'll be kicked out of the drive-in and permanently banned if you're caught getting too hot and heavy with your date), and other assorted product ads. Plus there are coming attractions(The Wasp Woman and The Giant Gila Monster) and cartoons(a Betty Boop and a Popeye).
All of this fun stuff is shown before each feature. Also of interest is an audio track which allows you to hear through your speakers, a kind of drive-in environment. A good sound system would be great with this feature. There are sounds of people walking by, cars starting up and driving, and the occasional rare comment on the film. None of it interferes with the films, and it really quite fun. Silly for sure, but fun, dammit!
The quality of the films is pretty lousy. Both films have been released before on mediocre discs, and this is no exception. I suppose that you can only clean these films up so much. Either that or legions of film buffs aren't bothering to demand top drawer prints of Attack of the Giant Leeches.
But regardless, for the price, this DVD is a good time, and I can only hope that Elite keeps em coming."