Sons and daughters of Satan: Let it be known that this is the first and only uncut, authorized release of David Durston's I DRINK YOUR BLOOD. Restored in all its acid-crazed glory, this `70s horror classic is now more g... more »ruesome and depraved than ever before--accept no substitutes! Originally released in February 1971, I DRINK YOUR BLOOD was one of the first motion pictures to be rated X for violence. Aiming to outdo NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, producer Jerry Gross instructed writer/director Durston to discard all of the old monster-mash cliches and shoot straight for the gut with maximum shock value and gore. The result was pure American drive-in genius. Even after 30 years, IDYB still holds up as one of the most entertaining and wildly demented movies of its kind. Between the bad-taste instincts of exploitation legend Gross (who gave the film its lurid title and distributed it on a double-bill with an cheap black-and-white zombie film he'd rechristened I EAT YOUR SKIN- a.k.a. ZOMBIE, VOODOO BLOODBATH, 1964) and Durston's twisted imagination (rabies, meat pies, LSD, hippie maniacs, construction workers foaming at the mouth--call the Red Cross!), I DRINK YOUR BLOOD plays like a double-barreled shotgun blast, a sugar fix for gore freaks. Just when you think Durston can't push the delirium any further, somebody drags a dead goat across the screen...or an old man in long underwear pukes up his dentures while being strangled...or an electric carving knife strays from a side of ham with disastrous results...or...well, you get the picture. Unfortunately, the MPAA didn't appreciate the effort. Graphic scenes of bodily dismemberment, multiple stabbings, self-immolation, barbecued rats, gang-bang sex, gut-spilling, decapitation, and the hara-kiri stake impalement of a pregnant woman's stomach all seemed to upset the censors for some strange reason. Ever the exploitationeer, Gross sent the movie out uncut anyway, resulting in pandemonium. With the ratings board cracking down on offenders, Cinemation panicked and prints of the film were hacked to pieces by everyone from projectionists to the local morals squad. The R-rated print seen in most theaters (and on previous, inferior video releases) lacks a crucial plot point and barely makes sense. Despite these trials, I DRINK YOUR BLOOD was a smash success for Gross and even managed to impress a few critics who were unperturbed by the day-glo ad campaign announcing "2 Great Blood-Horrors To Rip Out Your Guts!" The L.A. Times' Kevin Thomas gave I DRINK... a rave, as did then-unknown Joe Dante, who praised it in the pages of FILM BULLETIN. The film even captured a prize at the Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival in Paris. Words just can't do this movie justice. Like a sheet of high-grade blotter, this DVD of I DRINK YOUR BLOOD packs enough bizarre entertainment value to last for hours and hours. In closing, we can only repeat the demonic invocation of Horace Bones, who tells his followers in the movie's opening scene: "Satan was an acid-head. Drink from his cup. Pledge yourselves, and together we'll all freak out!" SPECIAL FEATURES
-New digital video and audio restoration of the original uncensored director's cut
-4 NEVER BEFORE SEEN deleted scenes including the blood-drenched ending deemed too disturbing for 70's audiences!
-Provocative audio commentary by director David Durston and star Bhaskar
-Revealing on-camera interviews with stars Lynn Lowry, Tyde Kierney and Jack Damon
-The original theatrical trailer and radio spots
-Extensive gallery of stills and poster art
-Rare and shocking film of Bhaskar performing THE EVIL KING COBRA DANCE
-Liner notes by reknowned horror journalist David Szulkin (THE MAKING OF LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT)
-Psychedelic day-glo packaging actually glows under a black light!
-Spectacular and gory animated menus, comprehensive filmographies and biographies, and other surprises« less
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 12/13/2012...
This film is essential viewing for all fans of extreme horror. The concept of a bunch of hippies who worship satan being turned into rabid kill crazy psychos after eating meat pies infected with rabies is classic exploitation cinema.
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Movie Reviews
Simply Amazing
Kevin Poe | North Carolina | 01/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wow, where to start? Well first off I should say that I love the horror/zombie/gore stuff. Although this was totally exploited by Fangoria, this is still not a mainstreem movie, and those seem to be the better ones.
Anyway, this movie is really spectacular. One of the biggest problems I, and other fans, seem to have is that most horror movies don't keep us interested, until the last fifteen or twenty mins. But this is an exception. Although the whole movie is not one, big climax it still keeps your interest.
The movie is not as gory as a Lucio Fulci, or H.G. Gordon Lewis film, but it is still has more blood and guts than Friday the 13th or a thriller type of movie.
So basically a hippie cult stays in this tempoary ghost town, due to the construction of dam, and they end up teasing and terrorizing a small boy and his grandfather. To get revenge on them the kid goes out to the woods and kills a rabid dog. He just happens to work in the only bakery left in town, for the time being, so he infects some meat pies with the rabid blood from the dog. The hippie cult eats them, bcomes infected and basically go insane. Pretty original if you ask me.
So anyways, this movie is very well directed and pretty decently acted for a low budget. The main leader of the cult, Horris, probably gives the best performance out of all of them.
The movie has some pretty creepy shots, what with dead bodies, severed heads, blood, and of course the foaming of the mouth. It just has a generally eerie feel to it, as horror movies should. So I can definitly see why Fangoria picked this for a midnight classic. But don't be fooled by their website, you can get this DVD at other stores besides theirs.
So all in all this movie is terrific for the true horror fan. If you choose to pass on this one, well, your loss my friend.
Thanks for reading."
Possibly the best movie about rabies-infected satanic hippie
M. | Mass. | 11/22/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I Drink Your Blood is possibly the best movie about rabies-infected satanic hippies on a killing spree ever made, and it is my favorite American grindhouse/horror/drive-in flick......word's cannot do this little gem of an American horror film justice.
The plot is a about a group of satanic hippie's that costantly drop acid and perform satanic ritual's who come to a small town, and piss off the wrong little boy by forcing his grandpa to take acid. The little boy then get's revenge on them by taking blood from a dead dog he found infected with rabies, and secretly putting it in their meat pie breakfast. They all slowly start to go insane, killing each other off, and go on a rabie's infected rampage of murder and rape. If that does not sound like this coolest movie premise ever to you.........then I don't know what does?
I Drink Your Blood play's out like a comedy most of the time (like my review's) with ridiculous subject matter, hilarious performances, over the top gore effect's, and is one of the most entertaining movie's I have ever seen. It is also (supposably) the first movie to get an X rating in America and I can't recommend this movie enough.
I Drink Your Blood contain's all the essential grindhouse/drive-in elements:
- Rat barbecue's
- Gang rape
- Rabie's infested satanic hippies
- A grandfather that has a bad trip
- Abortion
- Over the top gore
- Meat pie's
- More rape
- Self immolation
- Chicken beheading's
- Decapitation
- More gore
- Satanic ritual's
This Grindhouse Releasing release is (like alway's) amazing. They really went the extra mile to make sure this cult-classic got the release it deserve's. Included is a full director's commentary, director's cut of the film, deleted scene's, interview's, trailers, there is even a full length version of I Eat Your Skin as an easter egg! If you go on the special feature's page it even has an axe that when you click on, chop's one of the character's in half!.....Pretty sweet (Just to give you an idea of the extent they put effort into making this a good release). Thank you Grindhouse for releasing an amazing print of an amazing movie. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Must See 70's Drive-In Splatter Classick
M. smith | checkpoint by yard one | 04/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I Drink Your Blood is one of the best Drive-In /Grindhouse flix of the 70's.Still packs a punch and a few kicks.Twisted,Bloody,and funny.Yes, b-movie funny.Manson-like/Satan/Hippy Cult on L.S.D infected with rabies attacks small town.Yep,could happen."
I Drink Your Blood
deathangel_70 | Canada | 10/08/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"What can be said about "I Drink Your Blood"? Well, for starters it's one of the most little known and under appreciated exploitation films ever made. It holds the distinction of being one of the first films to ever be given an "X" rating for violent content. Though this film is not quite as graphic as some bootleg video dealers would have you believe, it does have a decent amount of gore and disturbing content on hand. Unfortunatly this film suffered the same MPAA and theatre owner censorship/butchery as Wes Craven's "Last House On The Left", so the film ended up in about 20 different cuts. Until the release of this dvd the most complete version was a Japanese bootleg that would usually run you about $40, and the picture quality was unbearable. Fans of sick, 70's exploitation will be enthralled by this dvd, but for the squeamish and mainstream fans who cant get past the cheap effects and poor acting, I advise you to stear clear of this dvd. To sum this up: they sure dont make them like this anymore, so take advantage of this dvd while its available, or you'll be kicking yourself when you're missing out."
I Drink Your Blood - I Eat Your Skin!!!!
Michelle R. Monroe | Newark, OH USA | 09/09/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Directed by David Durston (Stigma). A band of Satanist hippies lead by Horace Bones (Bhaskar) roll into a town and begin terrorizing the local folk, raping a local girl who's grandpa goes after them. He fails and is given LSD. This bothers his grandson and he gets back at the hippies by feeding them meat pies infected with blood from a rabid dog. They turn into crazed lunatics and begin killing and/or infecting everything in their path. I DRINK YOUR BLOOD is also know as PHOBIA. The movie is like NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD meets Charlie Manson in this gore-drenched 1971 drive-in classic. After consuming rabies infected meat pies, an LSD-addicted hippie cult goes on a vicious murdering rampage! Heavily censored since its original release, this infamous landmark of cinematic brutality is being presented uncut in all its blood-splattered glory! Directed by David Durston with stars Bhaskar, Lynn Lowry, Tyde Kierney and Jack Damon. DVD FEATURES for this film include:
The Cut Fullscreen Version (the real version was but out by Cheezy Flicks Ent, thats run time is 90 minutes).
English Audio
Provocative audio commentary from director David Durston and star Bhaskar
Four NEVER BEFORE SEEN deleted scenes including the original blood-drenched ending deemed too disturbing for 70's audiences
'The I Drink Your Blood Show' with revealing on-camera interviews with stars Lynn Lowry, Tyde Kierney and Jack Damon
The original theatrical trailer, radio spot & new Japanese DVD trailer
Extensive gallery of stills and poster art
Rare and shocking film of Bhaskar performing "THE EVIL KING COBRA DANCE"
Behind the Scenes of the recording of the commentary and more...