Enlightening Dresden's Day of Horror
Ronald D. Hawkins | Martinsville, Ind. | 01/28/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I made a last minute decision to watch this on the History International channel. It's one of the best TV decisions I've made in a long time.
This is a fabulous tale of the horrors of war, humanity of all sides in a conflict and romance.
You can feel the horror building as the British planes approach Dresden and see the horror of the devastating firestorm following the massive bombings as more than 25,000 civilians were killed.
There is tenderness here, too. The characters are multi-dimensional. Even those we think have done terrible things, we know are conflicted and in at least case seek penance.
The photography and special effects are stunning.
I'll have to save my nickles and dimes to buy this one."
Terrific Production - looks like a 100 million-dollar movie!
Dee J. | 01/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I got to see part of "Dresden" while in Germany last year and was very impressed with its authenticity and devotion to detail. I know that some of the effects were digitally accomplished, but the acting and sets were terrific, too. My German isn't the best, so I'm looking forward to purchasing the DVD set, which will be subtitled in English. I understand that there will be some great DVD "extras" about the making of the movie, too."
Very Well Done
D. Patterson | Northfield, MN United States | 01/29/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We love documentaries and accurate historical fiction, and thoroughly enjoyed this program on the History channel. Since we missed the first hour plus, I was happy to see this is now available on DVD, and pre-ordered it immediately. It was extremely well thought out, the characters were engaging and believable, yet the historical details were carefully crafted and well done. Highly recommended. Also recommended about WWII: Band of Brothers; The War."
S. Peck | Arizona, USA | 01/29/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I too first watch this film on the History Channel on 27 January 2008 and enjoyed it very much and I will be placing a pre-order for the movie right after I'm done here. Over the years I have read several books giving first hand accounts on the bombing of Dresden and coming across this movie last night while channel surfing was a real treat for me. Though in this story, the first 2 hrs sets up the romantic relationship of the main characters and the bombing of the city takes place in the last hour of the film. I must say that the director did a very fine job depicting many but not all of the horrors of the fire storm from that fateful night.
I'm looking forward to adding this movie to my collection and give it high marks."