Cult Classic? Perhaps Someday.
Brian Lueth | Chicago, IL United States | 09/10/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I know there's gonna be a lot of people out there that are going to be dumping caseloads of Hater-Aide all over this flick when it hits shelves but I gotta tell ya...this was kinda fun folks. It's no horror classic nor is it, as the box claims, a cult classic by any means but the stuff that made early 80's horror cinema so darn entertaining is right here. Call it homage, call it a rip-off, call it whatever you want but there's not one ounce of pretension in Piper's filmmaking. It's evident, to me anyhow, that the man loves horror and wants to make the kind of horror that fans will enjoy as well.
Obviously this film has its pros and cons, which film doesn't? Some of the pros include sweet claymation, physical FX and a lil' nudity, the cons would definitely be the "FX-enhancing" and some plot holes big enough to drive two eighteen wheelers through side by side. In my opinion though the pros definitely outweigh the cons in this particular instance, it is a low budget film after all.
The acting was adequate and in some cases pretty good considering what Piper more than likely had to work with. Honestly I've seen far worse on way bigger films so I really couldn't complain.
If you're one of those fanboys (or fangirls) that ran out and purchased copies of Street Trash, Slime City and The Suckling when they first hit DVD (like I did), you're more than likely going to dig this bit of low budget shlock entertainment. There's very little plot, the story is just okay and too many cast members survive but who freaking cares?!! I had a better time watching this than I did the big budget remake of One Missed Call (2008). It's got a wonderfully old school feel, cool Claymation monsters, gross tentacles and Alexandra Boylan was hypnotic. Piper's Drainiac may never spawn any action figures, t-shirts or midnight movie conventions but it's still worth checking out and, if you're into these kinds of flicks, a purchase."