Dragon Fist Show Down!
Erik James | Orono, Me USA | 07/22/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hwang Jang Lee stars as an evil Dragon Claw master bent on killing off every other Dragon Claw fighter in order to be the true Master. After Finishing off the Final Dragon Style master he believes he has finished his journey until he finds out that the masters wife and son had escaped. He then sends his two hench men Red man and Green Man to find and kill them both. On the run the mother and the son find refuge in a small shack where she teaches her son the basics of Dragon Claw Kung fu, but befor she can finish her lesson she is killed by the two henchmen. All alone the young son searches for the only person who can help him, a long lost uncle his mother mentiond befor her death. The son searches and runs into an old drunk medicine peddler who takes him in and teaches him kung fu. After day's and night's of teaching and training the young son realizes that the old man he recently met was in actuality the uncle he had never met. Finally with the Skills necissary the son sets off to find the Evil Master and get revenge. A high impact final duel showing off what Hwang Jang Lee can do, and also Puting John Chang in the spotlight as one of the best young stars. Another Joseph Kuo spectacular. Must see"