The Earth's Special Forces show their newly developed powers in their victory over the plant monsters known as the Saibamen, but unfortunately, that was only the prologue to the real battle against the evil Saiyans, Vegeta... more » and Nappa. Soon, the Earth's Special Forces discover that their best attacks barely faze the Saiyans. Where is Goku?!« less
D. Ta | Highland Heights, KY United States | 11/25/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"After the demands of all the hardcore fans of this magnificent anime made my Akira Toriyama, FUNimation has finally given in to their demands and they started making DVDs with the original Japanese language.Now the outside cover is not all that impressive since it's practilly the same as the VHS cover only with the works "Includes 2 Versions English Uncut Version & Original Japanese Version Subtitled in English". The region code for this is 1, 2, and 4 so people other than the people of the US can view it in their DVD players. The DVD disk doesn't look too impressive but hey this is FUNi first attempt so cut them some slack.Now the graphic and sound of this DVD. The graphic are a definite plus for those of us how used to buy "fansubs" with B to C picture qualities. It's very clear and crisp image throughout the episodes. The sounds are also very good but not as loud as the English dub, but you can always turn up the volume ^^. All in all FUNi did a good job in these catagories.Now for the only reason why I took a star off this well deserve 5 star series. FUNi didn't do such a good job of actually subbing parts of it. What I mean is that they would replace works of profanity with censered versions of it e.g. FUDGE!!!! or darn it >"
You can't be an Anime fan without a DVD Player...
Trevor Martell | 03/23/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Anyone who has a DVD player should buy the Dragon Ball Z DVD's!! First off! You get the FUNimation Uncut, episodes (Whoopdy doo eh?) And then you get the REAL stuff... The ORIGINAL Akira Toriyama-fied Episodes. 3 Episodes of the Greatest Action Cartoon of all Time! I have the Videos. I got them after FUNimation dubbed the last part of Freezer. (Frieza) Ginyu Assault is just GREAT in Japanese. And C'mon Subtitles aren't that bad (Unless your uneducated) You get the music and you get some cultural digression. I've watched the First DVD to the Cell Game (Trunks Saga) At least 500 times and I know more Japanese than I did before. I can even pick out when a mistake in translation was made. DVD's are 10 times better than anything you can get. It's all Uncut, and it's just great! I reccomend getting all of them!"
Where DBZ's greatness begins....
Joseph M. Doyle | Bridgeton, MO United States | 04/14/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"not to say the first 2 saga's were bad. They are good but not great cause they are all edited. This is a great saga that is a perfect setup to the Frieza saga. This DVD is great cause it has alot of action and its funny too. Sure the voices are a little off. Because of this i really give the DVD a 4 and 1/2 stars. Though the voices are not terrible and awful like most people complain. Goku, Gohan, Frieza and Bulma all sound the same as on Cartoon Network. Although Vegeta and Krillin are off and since Vegeta is my favorite that is why i am most disappointed. I dont know why people say the Japanese version is better, I find it too wierd to watch. Maybe it just cause im used to the american version I've seen on Cartoon Network. Oh well, just buy this DVD cause its real good."
Quick info!
Trevor Martell | Kingston,Canada | 01/31/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really enjoyed this dragonball z episode!This movie is really cool because of the fighting.Some dragonball z movies have a very powerfull person who gets hit by a blast and he,s not dead and it takes forever for him to be defeated.But not this, Gouku so strong! His power level was about 70,000!I thing so because Gouku's level rises countinuasly,when gouku starts raising his level in a minute it,s 90,000! The first episode is: GINYU ASSAULT.Jasse and Burter fly towards Gouku and try to attack him.But Gouku,s so fast you dont even know he moved! After making the members of the force angry a fierce battle starts and gouku defeats Burter in 2 quick hits. Jasse goes to get ginyu because he,s a chicken! Episode 2:INCREDABLE FORCE!ginyu brakes in to a big battle with gouku! You find out that Gouku can raise his power level in an instent. Funny thing is that Ginyu is a bit stronger than Gouku and has the raising abilaty two. But when Ginyu reilises that the battle will never end he gives gouku a chance to show them his true power. But it,s the biggest mistake ever! Episode 3:FRIEZA APPROCHES!while powering up the two Ginyu members are getting so scared! And for once Jasse has a good idea:to get frieza! But Ginyu still whants to fight gouku even though he can,t win. Suddenly Ginyu can,t take it when he see,s Gouku's level is 180,000! But mean while Frieza has arived on the mountain where Guru and Nail are. But Ginyu has learned Goukus ultaimete weakness!Can Gouku defeat Ginyu?"
Dragonball Z: Captain Ginyu Assault
Trevor Martell | 06/20/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Captain Ginyu Assault contains three episodes (Ep54)Ginyu Assault (55)Incredible Force and (56) Frieza Approaches. The episodes come in English Uncut Format, Also in the orignal Japanese Version with english subtitles. In episode 54 Ginyu Assault Goku Has just landed on Namek and engages a fight with two Ginyu Force members Berter and Jeice, after they fly around Goku for a few minuets they decided to start attacking. Goku defeclets there attacks with ease and they start hand to hand fighting in which Goku Knocks Berter out, and allows Jeice to escape. Vegeta who had been watching the fight from afar finishes Berter off. Jeice brings back Captain Ginyu and Ginyu demands a fight with Goku. Goku and Vegeta senses that no one is gaurding the Dragonballs which are at Frieza's ship and sends Krillen and Gohan off to get them. Captain Ginyu begins his fight with Goku. Incredible Force- Captain Ginyu and Goku begin there fight after a few minuets of fighting Ginyu can tell Goku isn't using his full power and insist that Goku use his full power. Goku begins powering up using the Kaiou Ken attack and his power level goes above anything Captain Ginyu anticapated. Frieza Approaches-This episode starts with Goku powering his power level continues to rise. Elsewhere Guru (The Namekian leader) sensing that Frieza is approaching his hut and bestows the gift of healing on his youngest boy Dende, also Nail(The strongest Namek warrior)returns to Guru's hut to portect him from Frieza. When Frieza arrives three Namek warriors come to fight Frieza and are beaten with ease by Frieza and are soon killed. I liked this one but not as much as the next one Captain Ginyu-Double Cross which has alot more action in it and things get more intresting."