"Everything in this movie is RUSHED RUSHED RUSHED!!!
All the characters are REDUCED to stereotyical americanized cliches!
Goku is a emo whiner and trade the Ki blast of light energy for airbending puffs of smoke.
Bulma is a gung-ho type that screams Lara Croft.
Roshi turned less of his usual perverted self into more bashful.
Yamcha is a surfer dude like moron.
And Piccolo is a Star wars Sith!
Oozaru is 8ft instead of 80ft!! (I walked out of the theater angry because of that)
And all the actors reek!
The fighting is sloppy. The writing is garbage. The Directing is beyond terrible.
There are many rip-offs (Spiderman,Star Wars,Avatar TLA,Matrix)
This has the name Dragonball on it but don't expect anything of the sort! It's a DISCRACE!!! Who ever gives 5 stars likes cheesy crappy movies.
AVOID THIS FILM at all costs it's a big waste of money!!!!!"
Dragonball De-Evolution
Jarrett Kennedy | Florida, USA | 05/27/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I would not buy this movie, even if you don't know much about Dragonball or Z. This movie is a very poor adaptation, FOX went with a low budget for the film, they changed Goku's behavior around 180 degrees. It is a bit entertaining but that surely dies out real fast. The special effects weren't very good either. Save your money for a better movie then this, you'd just be wasting it on this pitiful of an excuse so called Dragonball movie. Oh and don't be fooled by the added Z-Edition, it's nothing special."
Dragonball: Evolution - Worst Movie of 2009
E. Wun | USA | 05/27/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Which is the worst movie you have ever seen? Think about it. Now multiply that times 10 and you have Dragonball: Evolution. This movie was so bad, that people around me at the theater were booing and some actually left! The only reason I stayed because my kids had been wanting to see it, but my youngest fell asleep midway and the other two told me afterwards that they thought the movie was dumb(yes, their words!) because it didn't make sense or even follow the cartoon. I have to say I hated this movie more than Catwoman or Battlefield Earth on my part. I don't doubt that this movie in the future will be in the catagory of worst movies ever made. For those who have not seen it, sorry, I'm not going to bother to even summarize the plot because it's just that ridiculous and full of the worst cliches possible.
What makes it worse is that makers of this movie have changed the title on the DVD/Blu-ray by adding "Z Edition" to make it seem like the it has more to offer than the movie. What a rip off! I wouldn't even pick this as a DVD up in the $1 bin at Wal-Mart."
Worst Movie Ever - and an Insult to the Dragon Ball franchis
VICTOR Cabrejos | Philadelphia, PA USA | 05/27/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"First and foremost.......... THIS MOVIE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DRAGON BALL EXCEPT for its title. The story has been changed radically and have turned a great anime into a SOAP OPERA movie, the protagonist actor Justin CHatwick is the worst choice to play Goku, horrible acting, horrible script........ they turned Goku into a regular guy that only thinks in how to hook up with girls ......????????......... the rest of the characters have been changed too, not only they look completely different, but their behavior in this movie is almost the opposite of the real dragon ball anime.
You've been warned, if you are a fan of the Dragon Ball anime, in this movie you WILL NOT FIND any of the plot, characters or personalities that you loved from the anime, and you will feel really upset that you wasted your money on this.
And if you are not a fan of Dragon Ball anime, you STILL WILL HATE THIS MOVIE, because even as a movie it doesn't make any sense, no character development, stupid one-liners, and mediocre effects.
DON'T WASTE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY ON THIS CRAPPIEST MOVIE, and if you want TRUE Dragon Ball buy the anime dvd instead."
Dragonball Butchering! And The 7 Reasons NOT To Watch
Alejandro Gonzalez | bakersfield, CA | 08/09/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm sorry to say this, but Not even the awesome power of Blu-ray can help this picture, this movie is beyond terrible, you will not believe how bad this movie really is. I'm not reviewing the blu-ray features because, If a movie sucks so bad why the hell would you (or I) want to watch the special features?
First off, the Main Story is severely butchered to the point where everything unrecognizable to the original. The story is told very hasty and they don't bother to explain anything, and The've also rip off ideas from other great films... Dragon ball is known for great edge of your seat fighting Anime sequences, but in this movie There aren't any good fighting scenes AT ALL! None, Zero.
Second: There are absolutely NO character development in this movie at all, Bulma comes out of Nowhere holding a gun and says: they've stolen the dragonballs can you help? And Goku helps her, for no apparent reason. they team up and find master roshi, who likes to talk while he waves his hands, for no apparent reason!?.
Third: In the Anime and Manga, the main character Goku is supposed to be a happy, fun, cheerful, energetic character that only gets mad when bad people are doing bad things. In this movie goku is nothing but a stupid teenage kid who can't get a girlfriend, ride his bike to school and spends half of the movie feeling sorry for himself. (Lame!) And The DIALONG IN THIS FILM IS THE WORST I'VE EVER HEARD!
Fourth: For unknown reasons, one of the main character, Krillin does not appear in this movie (and I don't know why?). And for more unknown CRAPtacular reasons They used The Kamehame wave, (which is suppose to be a destructive beam technique) TO revive Goku as he lays on the ground because he's about to die, over a small idiotic gun shot wound. (I'm not even afraid to spill anything for you because your not gonna go see this)
Fifth: The ending battle between Goku and Picollo is SO retarded!, Goku throws a big Kamahame wave (which looks totally fake) and all you see is bright lights, They don't even show when piccolo gets hit!!! It's with out a doubt the Stupidest looking, CRAPtacular actions sequence I've ever seen in a action film!
Sixth: The only relation this movie has to the original dragon ball is the Dragonballs themselves THAT'S IT! this movie should have been called The Passion, because it was 90 minutes of pure torture. This is purely Hollywood's best at Film Raping.
Seventh: if you're a FAN of Dragonball, and even if you Not a fan of Dragonball, this movie is mediocre and disappointing from the beginning to end, It's Not entertaining, there's bad acting, the costumes in this movie looks like they found them laying around in back of a trashed Halloween store. I love the original Dragonball so, if you're a fan of the original you must stay away from this!..... This film easily makes my top ten list of the worst films I have ever seen... so, OVERALL! AVOID THIS FILM...PERIOD!