Enter Gohan
Agent Smith | USA | 11/29/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"this one is rather clichee because there is always someone coming to save the day. if not Goku its Gohan. this time its Gohan. His hidden powers have been awaken, he is now Mystic Gohan. to everyone's surprise, Buu was already aware that Gohan was coming due to the fact that Buu can now sense Kai Energies. Gohan still proves that he is the strongest. Realizing this, buu self destructs to buy time so that he can get the opportunity to obsorb the fused trunks and goten as well as picolo. when Buu obsorbs the two, he transforms into super Buu, its trouble for Gohan because he has to deal with the mind of Piccolo, the strength and tricks of Gotenks, and the indestructable body of Buu!"
A setup of things to come
Agent Smith | 08/15/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In "A Whole New Gohan" We finally get to see what the Old Kai awoke in from within Gohan and while it is impressive it seemed like it took far to long for the fighting to begin. but when it did Gohan clearly had the advantage.
In "Search For Survivors" Gohan and Buu continue the fighting wich intesifies a little until Buu ends it abruptly. Even though the z fighters (or whats left of them) know somethings up they go in search for any surviving humans. Until buu returns and challenges someone other than Gohan.
Finally the last episode on the movie "Majin Buu Transformers" Gohan has his hands full with buu, who after absorbing the remaining z fighters, attacks him both physically and mentally, and both are a little too effective. this one is my favorite episode on the movie. overall full of action and well paced."
Mystic Gohan and Transformed Super Buu
Agent Smith | 07/26/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the DVD where Gohan arrives to save Gotenks and Piccolo from Super Buu (untransformed). He kicks the crap out of Buu and when Buu is nearly dead, the ugly Majin self destructs and goes into hiding. Gohan finds Kami (dende) and Satan as well as Gotenks and Piccolo. Super Buu comes up with a plan to absorb Gotenks and Piccolo and challenges them to a fight. He engulfs them with Pink goo and transforms into a much more powerful being. This sets up for the next DVD which introduces Vegetto and Buu (who absorbs Gohan as well). Definately one of the best DVDs yet."