This movie's the perfect example of how not to make a movie
Joseph A. Ottoson | Lafayette, CO United States | 05/25/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"What happens when you take a hackneyed, b-grade comic book plot, and cross it with wooden acting and slow, boring fights?
You get The Dragon and the Hawk.
I've been a fan of kung fu flicks for years, and this one ranks just under Fists of Legend 2 for the worst kung fu movie I've ever seen. The actors visibly wait for their turn to start speaking, then they spend so much time trying to remember their lines that they manage to suck out any possible emotion. To compound matters, the dialogue is trite and blatantly banal whenever possible, so the only emotion you can experience is irritation any time someone opens their mouth. Even the supposedly humorous parts are killed by the Frankenstein quality acting exhibited by all involved in the production.
But then who cares about the writing in a kung fu movie? It's the action you're there to see right? This movie fails to deliver in this category as well. Fights are slow, poorly choreographed, and the last few sequences take place in locations that are so dark it's hard to see what's going on. Case in point, one sequence involves Dragon running up to a wall, jumping up to push off the wall, then Dragon pushes off the wall and does absolutely nothing. He just lands in front of the guy who was chasing him. What would've made more sense would be for Dragon to push off the wall and kick his pursuer. After a testy exchange with the assistant producer, (she threatened to have this review removed at one point, also accused me of being part of the apparently disgruntled production crew) I was told that they wanted Dragon to actually do the kick, but none of those shots came out right, so they just threw in a mistaken take instead. The music blows as well.
I can't see any reason to claim this movie's good. It has no redeeming qualities at all. When there's stuff like Jackie Chan, and Jet Li out there, or even David Carradine's Warrior and the Sorceress, there's absolutely no reason to bother with this one unless you just need something to make fun of Mystery Science Fiction Theater style. (Which is actually impossible since a movie with intentional camp and no earnestness doesn't have that ironically funny bent at all...)"
bombzout | Los Angeles, CA | 04/07/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Ok, this one time, I watched this show on TV where two guys from Kentucky were having a mouth-harp duel, and it was the lamest thing I ever saw.
Until I saw this.
The plot and action sequences were so engrossing that ten minutes into the film, I found myself distracted by an interesting piece of lint mined from my belly-button.
After about twenty minutes, my attention was wrenched from my lint activities by the dying wail of a fly on the TV screen committing suicide (very haunting).
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy a bad, campy martial arts flick, but the cheesy dialogue, flat characters and mechanical fight scenes this travesty vomits at the viewer are beyond human (and apparently fly) limits.
My advice would be to forget about purchasing this student film project.
Save your money and wrangle up some belly-button lint of your own! It's free, more entertaining, and altogether more worthy of your time, attention and contemplation than anything this cinematic sweat sock has to offer.
Probably more hygienic too."
A Generous rating.....
J Fowler | Morrison, Co | 06/16/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"...because -2 stars was not an option.
This movie was such a terrible waste of time and money for both me to watch and whatever production company decided to fund this mess. I could list countless reasons as to why this movie should have never been made, but I will do not want to drone on with mindless, disjointed babble (a courtesy that D & H did not extend).
1. Bad acting- I don't think one person in this movie has ever acted professionally in their lifetime and if they did, its no wonder why this is the only gig they could get.
2. Terrible fights- The director of this movie should be ashamed for calling this movie a MARTIAL ARTS flick. I have seen some movies that can pass off with nitty-gritty fight scenes, but this movie had the most ridiculous fight coordination! It was lazy, thrown together and beyond amature. TEACH YOUR ACTORS/ STUNT PEOPLE TO THROW A PUNCH FOR CHRISTS SAKE!! (or at least for the sake of those CLAIMING to be stunt fighters) and I pray that this is nobodys day job.
I can't rip too much on the technical side of the movie because I applaud anyone who employs such "special" people to work as their crews. For that, I thank you and Jerry's Kids thank you."
Worst of the Worse
G. Lamb | Colorado | 10/10/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I have never seen a movie more pathetic. The ratings I viewed on here that are positive must only come from those with personal interests. I was at its premiere debut and was even beyond bored and that's saying much since I knew people in the film. I only write this to protect the consumer from ridiculous claims. This movie is slower than slow and has the quality of a ten year-old with an old 16mm camera!!!!! If only I could give it a zero star, sigh."