Sneak Peak (NO SPOILER!!!)
Son Of The King | 01/01/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Awesome, awesome season!
This is the season where it is the beginning of the Best of DBZ!! I mean all the other DBZ were outstanding! How can it get better? Haha, I don't know how they did it, but it does get better!!!!
I don't want to spoil anything as I did with season 8 & 9 its just that I couldn't hold it in with season 8 & 9! lol.
But, here is a sneak peak of season 7.
In this season there are some new characters!
One character is so great that they even scare piccolo!!
Someone gets Hercule very frustrated!!
Someone falls in love!
Two great warriors team up! (Haha, you will never guess...because they are new characters....well one is)
Someone gives Goku a hard time!
Well, if you want me to continue, I'll say some spoilers, so get this, so awesome!!
-The thing I love the MOST about DB/Z/GT is that it is like a Christian show!!
Goku is the one who always leads everyone the correct way, He is the savior of the world! (Symbolic to God leading us the right way & being our Savior!)
Goku trains & helps his friends to become good fighters (Symbolic to God "training" us in His Word)
Goku trusts in his friends knowing they will do the right thing. (Symbolic to God trusting that His true followers will obey Him & go His way)
Goku always shows love & mercy even to his enemies & evil people. (Symbolic to God showing all us people, whom have broken His Perfect Law -The Ten Commandments- and yet He still gives us Mercy to flee from sin & follow Him)
Goku believes anyone can change their life from bad, to good. (Symbolic to fleeing from our sins & following the Will of God)
Goku was like a father, always protecting people from evil (Symbolic to how God protects us from evil & when the storms comes, He's still with us)
Everytime it seems hopeless & like evil will prevail & there is no way out, Goku is always there to help! (Symbolic to no matter how strong the temptation or urge is, God always provides a way out for us because He is with us)
When the Saiyans or other fighters feel like there is no hope, they go into a new level of strength (Symbolic to when you are weakest you are strongest)
Like with us when we feel we can't resist the temptation or do the Will of God, we still press on and reach a new level or strength.....haha, like a Spiritual Super Saiyan, being much stronger into & with God then we were before.
When the fighters are fighting & they feel there is no hope, someone else usually comes to the aid (Symbolic to God will never leave us & He always provides help)
DBZ is not only a great show but I look at it through a Christian sense, look at it as a Christian sense, it's symbolic, it'll make it 10x better! I know it did for me!"