Dragon Ball Z Reaches It's End
Reconnecting To My Childhood | 03/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This long awaited ninth boxed set will finish up Dragon Ball Z on DVD. It's been just over two years since I excitedly bought the season one set and I have anxiously awaited this ninth one, but at the same time it's weird to feel like this series is ending for me all over again. Nevertheless these episodes are action packed and a fitting ending for one of the most loved anime of all times. This set contains the Fusion and Kid Buu sagas in these final 38 uncut episodes:
254 The Evil of Men_____________ 255 Buu Against Buu
256 Empty Planet_______________ 257 Time Struggle
258 Super Moves of Gotenks_____ 259 Trapped in Forever
260 Feeding Frenzy_____________ 261 Gotenks is Awesome
262 Unlucky Break______________ 263 A Whole New Gohan
264 Search for Survivors_________ 265 Majin Buu Transforms
266 The Old Kai's Weapon________ 267 Ready to Fuse?
268 Union of Rivals______________ 269 Meet Vegito
270 Rip in the Universe___________ 271 Vegito...Downsized
272 The Incredible Fighting Candy__ 273 The Innards of Buu
274 Mind Trap__________________ 275 Visions of Deadly
276 Evil Kid Buu_________________ 277 End of Earth
278 True Saiyans Fight Alone______ 279 Battle for the Universe Begins
280 Vegeta's Respect____________ 281 Minute of Desperation
282 Old Buu Emerges____________ 283 Earth Reborn
284 Call to Action_______________ 285 People of Earth Unite
286 Spirit Bomb Triumphant_______ 287 Celebrations with Majin Buu
288 He's Always Late____________ 289 Grandaughter Pan
290 Buu's Reincarnation__________ 291 Goku's Next Journey
These episodes are all for the most part entertaining and a lot of them are fan favorites. The stakes really get raised as everyone on the planet is put in immediate jeopardy soon after followed by the possible destruction of the planet earth itself. The final Kid Buu episodes are great and find the entire existence of life in the universe being threatened ratcheting everything up to it's highest possible levels. The final episodes should be truly pleasing for fans to rewatch or experience for their first time.
I've said before that I appreciate how these sets were made with an overall theme across the nine that line up well and look good together on a shelf. A well made booklet comes in each of these sets containing brief character bios and episode descriptions. The video is always well restored and in excellent condition, presented as Widescreen 16:9 Aspect Ratio. The audio is great with three different options:
American English Voice Track with American Music
American Voice Track with the Original Japanese Music
Original Japanese Voice Track with the Original Japanese Music.
The only extras on these sets have been trailer's for other Funimation productions and textless opening theme and ending credits.
These episodes are not just the final saga to the Dragon Ball Z series but also to the Dragon Ball series that began it all. The storylines here aren't just full of the science fiction and hard hitting fights Dragon Ball Z was known for but also the elements of magic, fantasy and off beat humor that Dragon Ball was known for. Looking at these episodes now, they are the perfect ending to such an entertaining series that artfully managed to constantly escalate things through a seemingly natural course of events. After these episodes it seems hard to imagine more epic storylines for these particular character's than what we're given here.
This final set is full with equal amounts of the fighting fans expect as well as the elements of humor and fantasy that make this series so loved, fusing the two perfectly. Akira Toriyama ended his long running story fittingly and satisfactorily for fans with these sagas all ending with a final nod towards the Goku we were introduced to way back at the start of Dragon Ball, a Goku that looks at everything as a challenge and adventure.
I can't wait until this set is released in May, thanks for your time."
Dragon Ball Z's Finale!
Alejandro Gonzalez | bakersfield, CA | 03/07/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Dragon Ball Z's Final Chapters!
The Z fighters Battle, To Take The Formidable Majin Buu Down In This Finale Of The Buu Saga. IT'S INDEED THE BEST Action Pack Season Set, Which Ends The Series OF DRAGON BALL Z!
Finally Funimations decide to be nice to us by releasing another Season Set and including all the remaining episodes of DBZ.
I still remember A couple years back, when I spent almost $50 dollars just for the 5 DVD Set that only included the Kid Buu saga, Not only were the Old DVD's expensive and almost impossible to find, there were also a total space waster. Season nine set is A must have! Not only is it cheaper, It's a non-stop fierce action show, that never stops to take it up to the next level, not even to the every End. (It also helps that the size of the Set doesn't take up a lot of room like the Pervious 1999-2003 Sets.)
So, finally having the Funny Guys at FUNImations releasing very easy to find Season Sets at $30 price range, make me want to slap my self for even attempting to collect over 80 DVD's of DBZ.
I really wish they would of released these Season Sets a long time ago and The way they take there sweet A$$ time to re-release this Series makes me wonder if there going to Re-re-release them again on (blu-ray) or try to release them like they did in Japan, with the Dragon Box which included all 291 Episodes in Two Large Box Sets and also included a large amount of DVD EXTRAS!!! Hmm.... Funimations! the ball's in your court!
Majin Buu Has Cut a Path of Destruction Across The Earth, Leaving Nothing But Devastation, It Could Even Be Beyond The Power of The Dragon Balls To Repair. The Z-Fighters Have But One Final Hope Against Majin Buu, The Fusion Techniques! But For This Plan to Succeed, Goku MUST Join Forces With His Oldest Rival, Vegeta! Can These Warriors Put a Stop To Majin Buu Once and For all? The Final Battle Begins.
Season Nine Contains The Complete FUSION and KID BUU Saga's of Dragon Ball Z, in The Following 38 Uncut Episode's (254-291)
Fusion Saga:
254. The Evil of Men
255. Buu Against Buu
256. Empty Planet
257. Time Struggle
258. Super Moves of Gotenks
259. Trapped in Forever
260. Feeding Frenzy
261. Gotenks is Awesome
262. Unlucky Break
263. A Whole New Gohan
264. Search for Survivors
265. Majin Buu Transforms
266. The Old Kai's Weapon
267. Ready to Fuse?
268. Union of Rivals
269. Meet Vegetto
270. Rip in the Universe
271. Vegetto
272. The Incredible Fighting Candy
273. The Innards of Buu
274. Mind Trap
275. Visions of Deadly
Kid Buu Saga:
276. Evil Kid Buu
277. End of Earth
278. True Saiyans Fight Alone
279. Battle for the Universe Begins
280. Vegeta's Respect
281. Minute of Desperation
282. Old Buu Emerges
283. Earth Reborn
284. Call to Action
285. People of Earth Unite
286. Spirit Bomb Triumphant
287. Celebrations with Majin Buu
288. He's Always Late
289. Grandaughter Pan
290. Buu's Reincarnation
291. Goku's Next Journey
Like The Previous Season Sets, They Are Released In a 6 Disc Box Set, Digitally
Re-Mastered in High Definition Transferred From The Original Japanese Film Masters and Presented in Widescreen Format (16:9). Also Contains, Both The Japanese and English (Dub) Language with Optional Subtitles. (Region 1, 2, 4)
(Special Note: So far, None Of The Season Sets Contain The 4:3 Full Screen Format)
Extra Features Include:
24-Page Booklet Filled With Episode Summaries and Character Descriptions.
Revised English Dialogue Over The Original Japanese Music.
Anime/Movie Trailers.
And The Marathon Play.
Freakin sweet
R. Goray | montgomery, alabama | 05/30/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this is the end of the best anime series ever, and what a way to end it
if youve gotem all to this point no reason to stop now
Son Of The King | 01/01/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Haha, like I said in the DBZ Season 8 review, I do not know which is better!!
In this season, it is the first time you see an Old Buu!!
First time you see Majin Buu (fat buu) get turned to a cookie!!
First time you see a Super Buu!!
First time you see a Kid Buu!!
First time you see Goku & Vegeta do fusion!!
First time Goku & Vegeta get eaten!
First time the earth is destroyed!!
First time you see Gohan kicking Buu's but!
First time Super Buu eats Piccolo, Gotenks, Majin Buu, Goku & Vegeta!!
First time Vegeta admits Goku is better!!!
First time Hercule is actually useful (I dont like the chanting the people do!!)
First time you see Goku with a new uniform!
First time you see Goten, Trunks, Bulma, Kurrlin, Videl, Gohan, Chi Chi, and the rest of them "look diffrent" because a few years pass.
First time you see Pan!
First time you see a good kid buu!!!
First time Goku one-on-one trains someone!!
-The thing I love the MOST about DB/Z/GT is that it is like a Christian show!!
Goku is the one who always leads everyone the correct way, He is the savior of the world! (Symbolic to God leading us the right way & being our Savior!)
Goku trains & helps his friends to become good fighters (Symbolic to God "training" us in His Word)
Goku trusts in his friends knowing they will do the right thing. (Symbolic to God trusting that His true followers will obey Him & go His way)
Goku always shows love & mercy even to his enemies & evil people. (Symbolic to God showing all us people, whom have broken His Perfect Law -The Ten Commandments- and yet He still gives us Mercy to flee from sin & follow Him)
Goku believes anyone can change their life from bad, to good. (Symbolic to fleeing from our sins & following the Will of God)
Goku was like a father, always protecting people from evil (Symbolic to how God protects us from evil & when the storms comes, He's still with us)
Everytime it seems hopeless & like evil will prevail & there is no way out, Goku is always there to help! (Symbolic to no matter how strong the temptation or urge is, God always provides a way out for us because He is with us)
When the Saiyans or other fighters feel like there is no hope, they go into a new level of strength (Symbolic to when you are weakest you are strongest)
Like with us when we feel we can't resist the temptation or do the Will of God, we still press on and reach a new level or strength.....haha, like a Spiritual Super Saiyan, being much stronger into & with God then we were before.
When the fighters are fighting & they feel there is no hope, someone else usually comes to the aid (Symbolic to God will never leave us & He always provides help)
DBZ is not only a great show but I look at it through a Christian sense, look at it as a Christian sense, it's symbolic, it'll make it 10x better! I know it did for me!"