After the devastating fight to save the Earth from Saiyans, many of Goku's friends have fallen. Gohan leads a small group to find the original Dragon Balls on the distant planet of Namek - Piccolo's homeworld. Without Go... more »ku, who remains behind to finish some intense training, can our heroes survive the many hazards on their journey? Even if they do, they will have to face the incredibly powerful Frieza and his henchman who were so powerful that they destroyed the Saiyan homeworld! Twenty-nine episodes on nine DVDs - 585 minutes of viewing (English language only)!« less | Spokane, Washington | 07/18/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen this series with the origional japanese dialogue, and needless to say this english version is a far cry from the intensity of the orgionals. Did you know there are well over two hundred fifty episodes to this series? I cannot remember exactly how many... all I know is I want every last one- uncut and uncensored! The voices for Gohan, Kurillin, and Vegita in the english version are pathetic. Episodes are missing from the Namek Saga and, quite frankly, it is a shame. I would like to see the whole set, unabridged and not tainted by censorship. Dragonball Z is a violent series, much like Fist of the North Star... with comedy. As to when FUNinamtion will get off its rear and give us hungry DBZ fans what we really want (everything, of course) and not give us this non-fat version... who knows? They should stop treating this like a kid's show and treat it the way it was meant to be treated. Oh, by the way... did anyone know there is another Dragonball series after Dragonball Z? As slow as FUNimation is with getting the episodes out, it probably won't reach american shores until 2003. It's a crying shame..."
One of the greatest sagas of all time.
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This saga starts out as a simple quest for seven dragonballs. Including all of the dbz gang. At first it seemed slow, then as new faces entered the sceen. The Namek Saga, became more than just a quest for the Dragonballs. All of the people on planet Namek fought for their lives. Where the biggest villan in dbz history arrives. Freiza, is probably my favorite bad guy. Mearly because in the Namek Saga, he is a very calm, and very creepy type of villan. The Ginyu Force, was also a brilliant team. Which were evil Freiza's hench men. The Namek Saga, ended with such a teaser, that you could stand waiting for the next episode. Personally I think that the Namek Saga was unlike anything I'd seen in a dbz series. Just the way everyone on planet Namek, found out all about the Nameks. Also the way that every one grew so strong, and their power levels were so incredible. The very last episode, was where Goku was just arriving on planet Namek, and this is when I got a big case of the goosebumps. Goku had been training at 100 times earth's normal gravity. So he obviously was going to arrive the thrill of the Saga. I would recomend this Saga to anyone who is interested with Dragonballz."
Namek Saga
Jer | Long Island, New York | 05/16/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This Saga starts out with vegeta falling from goku's last blast. Goku stops krillin from killing vegeta and vegeta swears to come back and destroy earth. Goku is in the hospital and Gohan, Krillin, and Bluma decide to find the dragon balls on Namek. After having alittle bit of trouble in space they finally end up on namek. There they find freeza and his gang torturing the nameks and are on the same quest to find the dragon balls. Goku finally heels and is able to join them on there quest. Vegeta also is heeled and finds out that freeza is also after the dragon balls to he rushes to namek too. Now krillin, bulma, and Gohan have to deal with freeza, and vegeta. Goku hurry up and get your butt to namek as soon as possible. This box set is only in english. A great item. A must have for all DBZ fans."
The real thing?
JDA | Edmonton, Alberta Canada | 05/08/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I really love Dragon Ball... I've seen all the dragon ball, dragon ball Z, dragon ball GT and all the movies in japanese (with english text), spanish and what's available in english.. The spanish translation is very close to the JP version. Even the original music is there and no cut scenes.....
The only bad thing I see in the English version is the patheric dialogue and music... most of the dialog has been changed to make it "ok". If the japanese dragon ball was made the way it was it's for a reason..."
It was brought into the US , but . . . | NeoTokyo, Japan | 06/26/1999
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I cannot blame the people who wrote and censored the "americanized" dragon ball z , episodes for making it a cheasy Pokemon esque type of anime . Funimation , atleast tried to make this show hit in the US . If it weren't the effort of Funimation to even bring Dragon Ball Z into an "American-children-audiance" genre I would give this a -1 star if they had it . As you can see by the "real" fans that this was way censored , I mean theres so many goofy lines that its sad . Take for example on one of the episodes , like when the news chopter was blasted by Napa , Teinshin yelled out , "wait they are ok , I see them with parashutes!" when you can clearly see the chopter is burnt to bits . Well if you are an anime fan and want to see why Dragon Ball Z is great , then I would recomend you to try and find an uncut version of Dragon Ball Z. By saying Uncut I mean its realistic , better in story , and plain out good ."