DBZ - A hero's Farewell
Matthew Smith | Manchester, England United Kingdom | 05/20/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What to say? First things first me being the ultimate DBZ fan you can't go wrong with these episodes.
Ep - 232: Now that Buu has killed babidi, he continues his desruction of the earth. Mean while goku is training the boy's to do the fusion dance, but with only 30 minutes left how much can he teach them.
Ep - 233: Time is up for goku. But before he leaves the boy's persaude him to show them S.S.3 one more time which drains the remainig time he has left on earth, Piccolo now must finnish where goku left off. can he do it "you'll have to find out on the next exciting episode of DBZ"
Ep - 234: Back in the world of the dead goku goes looking for gohan but has a surprise in-store. Gohan is with the supreme kai. Goku helps out gohan's training with the z-sword. Back on earth Marjin buu has already wiped out 2/3 of the worlds population. What can the Z-fighter's do about this horrible pink monster. "Find out next time on DBZ"."
Prepare for Fusion...
Patrick | Freeport, NY United States | 05/13/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As Goku returns from his brief battle with Majin Buu, Trunks arrives with the Dragon Radar. Then, Goten and Trunks under go strict training from Goku and Piccolo. However, the two won't cooperate and want Goku to show them how to become Super Saiyan 3s. After he teaches them how to do it with a great display, his time is up and he must go. These are not filler episodes, but crucial, epic moments to the Saga of Dragon Ball Z."
Jason | 03/27/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD ncludes probably the best show there is in DBZ. That is the one where Goku goes Super Saiya-jin 3. That is so awesome when he does because he just looks great like that."