Episode 90 - Mighty Blast of Rage: Frieza may be down, but he's not out yet. And even after being sliced into pieces by his own energy disk, the evil tyrant isn't quite ready to release his stranglehold on the universe. Ca... more »lling upon what little power he has left, a desperate Frieza fires a final energy blast after Goku as he leaves the battlefield. Will the Super Saiyan sense this sneak attack in time? Episode 91 - Namek's Explosion... Goku's End?: The Namekian Dragon Balls have followed their guardian Guru all the way back to Earth. And even though it looks like Goku is going to be trapped on the exploding planet Namek, Dende has a good reason to celebrate - the Dragon Balls have the power to bring Goku back! But if that's the case, why does everyone still look so sad? Episode 92 - Goku's Alive!!: It is a time of joyful reunions as old friends long absent are finally wished home with the Dragon Balls. While Krillin and Yamcha are easily brought back from the spirit world, Porunga, the Namekian dragon, reveals that he is unable to restore Goku to life - because the Super Saiyan isn't dead! But if Goku is still alive, why hasn't he come home?« less
"These are my favorite 3 episodes of the series. In "Mighty Blast of Rage", Frieza is remembering the past battle with the Z Warriors, and becomes enraged with Goku for beating him. He uses the precious energy Goku gave him to shoot a HUGE blast at the Saiyjin (idiot!), forcing Goku to deliver the finishing blow. In "Namek's Destruction, Goku's End?", Goku is unable to get off Namek before the BANG!, and is swallowed up by the explosion. Then, in "Goku's Alive!", Bulma, Piccolo, Gohan and Dende use the Namekian Dragonballs to wish Krillin, Chaozu, Tien, and Yamcha back to life. They try to do the same to Goku, but they find out that he isn't dead (can't kill off the main character), and Vegeta leaves Earth to train in outer space and to find Goku. Unlike the past 28 volumes, this one winds up with a comforting sense of closure."
Frieza, Strike 3, your out. You ticked off a Saiyajin.
Steve Cataldo | 07/09/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Frieza is almost out of energy Goku sees. He explains how Frieza is no longer a challenge. Frieza gets enraged and recalls the prior events leading up to that moment. As Goku flies away, Frieza is still convinced that he can't be beaten. In a a berserker state of mind, he fires his final trump card at Goku. "You FOOL!" Goku screams as he once again shows that Frieza is no match for himself. Goku frantically searches for a way off of the planet, only to find none. As Namek goes, King Kai explains Goku was cought in the explosion. With the Nameks(Namekians? the show is unclear. We dont call ourselves earths) on Earth, the dragonballs once again become active, and a few friends are wished back. They attempt to bring Goku back to life, but wait! They can't! Porunga reveals something that they never would have guessed. Once hearing the news, Vegeta hijacked a spaceship and flew into outerspace, realizing that nothing awaited him on Earth. The Nameks are all set, and the final people are wished back to Earth. Dende says his final goodbyes to Gohan, and as the wish is being fulfilled, a tear rolls down Dende's eyes, and hit the ground...where Dende used to be."
Oh my god! They killed Goku!
majinrei | Tampa, Florida | 03/15/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The planet blew up...who didn't see this coming? Is goku really dead? No way! Why watch a show if the main character's dead? Is Frieza dead? Nope... OOPS! That was suposed to be a surprize! Oh well...HEY! VEGETA! WHERE ARE YOU GOING! To find Kakorot? But why...oh yeah...to learn the secret of becoming a super saiyan. Just wait 2 years and your wish will come true! This movie was pretty funny...Bulma's mom was trying to get on vegeta's gooooood side. Sorry...he's already got a kid! Just wait until the Trunks series comes to video. The action will start up again with Goku and the others!"
A triumphunt close to the Frieza Saga
ANIMEGUY | Massachusettes, USA | 03/15/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Dragonball Z is one of the most entertaining anime series ever made. Funimation's UNCUT videos are a great way to own a piece of the saga. 'Frieza-Nameks End' contains some of the best episodes in season three. By the time this tape was produced, Funimation had worked out all the initial problems they had in the begining of this season. The background music was fixed and the voice acting and dialogue have been improved tremendously. Funimation really pulled it together this time and made a great video. 'Nameks End' contains the last (and best)four episodes of the Frieza Saga. This video is well worth the price and is a must have for all fans of DBZ and Anime. Everyone needs this video!"
Well ok i guess ...
ben | USA | 03/16/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Well this is good for a final touch to your collection (but dont buy it as your first movie You wont enjoy the whole tape).i must recoment that you buy the 3 videos before this one, they will all add up to be a good collection after you buy them all.i once had a up-all-night non-stop DBZ strek of videos and this was a great ending after seeing nothing but DBZ all night.... the next day i got sleep an went out to buy the 1st GARLIC JR tape"