In the eighth Dragon Ball movie (1993), King Kai summons Goku to stop a Super Saiyan who's laid waste to the South Galaxy, and who plans to attack Earth. Paragas arrives and implores Vegeta to rule a re-created Planet Ve... more »geta. Paragas's son Broly was born on the same day as Goku, but at a power level of 10,000! Fearing this potential menace, Vegeta's father ordered the child killed, but he escaped with Paragus. Now the pair is seeking revenge. After the standard battles, in which characters blast each other through solid rock, Goku defeats his legendary foe--with help from Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, and (reluctantly) Vegeta. The most surprising images in the film depict not Broly's feats of super-strength, but Goku, incongruously clad in a suit and tie for an interview at the school Chi-Chi wants Gohan to attend. (Not rated: suitable for ages 8 and older: cartoon violence) --Charles Solomon« less
Dave | Indianapolis, Indiana United States | 07/31/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"First, let me say that Broly has to be the most overhyped character by many DBZ fans. I noticed one reviewer stated that he could transform into a Super Saiyan 3 and beyond. Well, that is a straight up lie! Broly never even becomes a Super Saiyan 2! Being the true Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly's Super Saiyan form is unique from the other Saiyans. In his ultimate form, he is VERY bulky and has no pupils. I used to believe that he was using the Ultra Saiyan form, which is the form that Future Trunks uses when he fights Perfect Cell, but I no longer do because an Ultra Saiyan, though much stronger than a normal Super Saiyan, is much slower due to the huge muscle increase. However, Broly has no problems with keeping up with the other Saiyans, as you will see in this movie. Therefore, I believe he simply has his own "Legendary Super Saiyan form" that no other Saiyan can achieve. It's either that, or he has somehow overcome the flaw of the Ultra Saiyan form. Though he is definately one of the most powerful and deadly villains in the DBZ universe, his strength is often times greatly overestimated. Now, it is true that he is much more powerful than the other Saiyans in their first stage Super Saiyan forms, but it is questionable how he would fare against a Super Saiyan 2 (NOTE: Gohan never changes to a Super Saiyan 2 in this movie, and if he did would probably kick Broly's butt) and he is definately no where near as strong as Super Saiyan 3 Goku.Now that I've cleared that up, about the movie itself. Plot wise, I think it's the best of the DBZ movies. It's the only one of the 13 that's over an hour long. However, the fight with Broly was so one sided that after awhile it gets a bit boring, and the way they actually defeat him is pretty anti-climatic. However, if you're a big DBZ fan, I'd say it's worth the buy, or at least a rental."
My mind remembers now
nir085 | 01/22/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Once again, I truly remember why I love(d) the DBZ series back in the day, yet avoided its two loathsome complimentary series (DB & DBGT) and it is all captured in this masterpiece of a film. The long, but not boring, stretch, the silly humor inserted at the most random moments, the wonderful blend of humor/armageddon/action, and best of all, more Saiyan history! It's about time we hear a little more about the Saiyan race (even if it's not official Toriyama material, it's still nice). I do feel that some might complain about the final fight scene being a bit excessive in terms of length, but anyone who truly loves the series shouldn't mind a bit of dragging on - in my opinion, it's one of the series unique merits. Broly was a fascinating, deep character, like his father, and had I not read the character profiles before seeing the film run its course, it [the feature] wouldn't have been predictable at all. I usually hate Goku, but here he is so ridiculously stupid and childish, even in the most dramatic moments, that it only beefs up the lovable DBZness all the more.
But everyone's a critic, myself included evidently, so I'm going to show my anal stickler side and talk about the few (minor) problems I did have with this DVD/feature. I found the voice for Broly to be a I've seen plenty of pictures of Broly from DBZ fansites a while before even viewing the film and frankly I was expecting a deeper, more rugged voice, a la Super Buu form 2 (U.S. dub version). Broly's death could have made some more sense, but it was still nice. The last thing on the DVD (not the feature) that I will nitpick on is in the "extras" menu - the trailer labeled as "Dragon Ball Z" could have been labeled as "The Fusion Saga trailer" :P. And yes, that's pretty much the only reasons why I gave the film 4 stars.
Those small complaints aside, I could not be in greater anticipation for the sequel to this feature: "Broli: The Second Coming" (coming out this spring)!
One last thing: the reviewer "K. Ta" who posted a review a few spots before me is obviously an imbecile and though I do agree that Broly's death could have been a little bit better, it was still entertaining nevertheless and giving a movie 1 stars because of that hair-sized argument is a prime example of stupidity. And yes, you did fail to see that this series is the best."
nir085 | 12/21/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You are all idiots, don't you know that all the movies have already been made in Japan and that all they do is translate them? There have been 13 movies all which are very good, one even has to do with cloning Broly.There are also 3 movies with Broly.
This movie was great but it just followed the same old routi
Dave | 11/23/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I liked this alot.The action and comedy was great and alla dat but the only problem is it follows the same routine as almost all of the DbZ movies.Villian comes, everybody gets their asses whooped, Goku needs them to donate their energy, then he makes a big-ass spirit bomb only this time he punched Broly in the gut.It's just that using the same way to get rid of enemies just gets, gets plain "Old".This was good but like i said doing they're same old thing."
Broly the legendary loser saiyan
Ronnie Clay | Winnsboro, Louisiana | 06/11/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Compaired to all the Dragonball Z mini movies I say this one is the best. It's 63 minutes long. Broly is a bad ass he keeps getting stronger after every second while the other need those little beans to eat on. The hevay metal music was cool. The fighting was bad their was no fast punches or kicks just energy blast. The english was horrible. This movie had too much comedy."