Broly is back! And this time a case of mistaken identity might be the end of the planet! It is true that Broly perished in battle against Goku and his sons. But a sinister conjurer has reincarnated the legendary Super Saiy... more »an thanks to the vast wealth of Lord Jaguar, a tryant with his own devious plan for revenge. Now two brilliant criminal geniuses guide the blind rage of Broly! Their ultimate goal: Total dominion over planet Earth. But can Broly really be controlled? The world will soon find out as the most powerful Saiyan in history is unleashed with incredible new powers! Never before has the unholy trinity of power, corruption, and technology created such as devastating force. The day of reckoning is at hand!« less
If it wasn't for the fact that this was supposed to be a com
Christopher P. Cecena | Pine Valley, CA USA | 11/22/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"After the pathetic joke that was DBZ movie 10, and after hearing so much negative talk about this one, I was a bit worried. Needless to say, it's not as bad as I thought, and it definitely isn't nearly as bad as the last film. Still, it's not a movie for every DBZ fan. First, if you consider this to be one of the more serious. It's not. This film is pretty much a pure comedic one. Heck, the main characters are Goten and Trunks, so there's already a clue it's going to be more humor than anything else. The plot is also humor-based. Mr. Satan's jealous cousin blackmails him to visiting his island to face his warriors, or else he'll reveal embarassing secrets about his childhood to the world. Goten and Trunks tag along, pretty much for the heck of it, and 18 follows as well because she wants Mr. Satan to live up to his promise of paying her for throwing the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai. Unfortunately, Jaga Bada(said cousin) has a secret weapon: a clone of saiyajin powerhouse Broly. It turns out one of the movie 10 characters found whatever was left of him after the 10th film and gave it Bada. Thus, our selection of heroes definitely , especially since there's none of the usual DBZ heavyhitters around this time.
Not that it all works out, especially since it is more humor based(a reason I hated the first few arcs in original DB). Broly's clone, for example, starts out looking like the original, but for some incredibly stupid reason gets taken and turned into a sad rip-off of Swamp Thing. The way he's defeated is probably even worse than his new design. There's also a ton of pointless errors as well. For example, since when does Trunks know the Kamehameha? The number of errors like these(and there's a lot) pretty much leave this one as a rental at best.
Oh well, next year's when things get good, especially after 2005's letdown. 2006 will have both the Fusion movie with Janemba and Gogeta that's been spoiled over and over in the US DBZ video games, as well as my favorite film, Dragon Fist(the movie with Tapion). Just have patience, because soon we're finally going to see the proverbial cloud's silver lining."
DBZ hits rock bottom...
Plague11 | 02/06/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The movies peaked with Brolly - Legendary Super Saiyan and have sharply declined in both story quality and action ever since. I only finished watching this film out of sheer morbid curiosity and was sorry I did so. This movie did not add to the series in any way, shape, or form. Yeah, I am aware that it is supposed to be funny, but they usually balance comedy with action, but this movie just stunk. Trunks and Goten are ok in small doses, but this was just too much. Fortunately there is a light at the end of the tunnel - Wrath of the Dragon is awsome (I have seen the Japanese version) and I look forward to them ending the US release of the series on a good note."
Not worth the trouble.
Naronin | California | 08/02/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this hearing it was bad. Being a DBZ fan and having seen all the movies up to this one I thought hey how bad could it be. Well it made me regret the money I spent on it. If you must see it rent it or borrow it from someone they might just give it to you. Anyway the only reason I think someone should buy this is if they want to own all the DBZ movies or if you bought Triple Threat with all 3. The first 2 are a Godsend compared to this."
Find Something Else
Legion the many | Buckhannon WVA | 09/20/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ok so your thinking THIS IS DBZ HOW CAN IT NOT BE GOOD? well it can be NOT GOOD and it is. This movie doesnt suck as much as some people would tell you but it still sucks. The 1st Broly movie was AWESOME!!! Second Coming was pretty good too and if your a dbz fanatic u definttly want this but if ur like most dbz fans you love a bunch of other animes and if Inuyasha is one of those then dont waste ur money on this go and buy Inuyasha the movie 3 Swords of an Honorable Ruler instead. That movie just plain out KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Three and a Half Stars
Legion the many | 09/14/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This was not the best DBZ movie by far, but it was still good. I just got the DVD today, (Sept 13.) on the release date. I just finished watching it and like I just said, while it's still a good movie, it's not as good as the first two Broly movies. The story is pretty simple. After Broly was killed by Gohan, the Shaman from the village Goten, Trunks and Videl visited was banished. In revenge, he went and collected some of Broly's blood, selling it to Lord Jaguar, a misguided millionaire. Jaguar wants Broly to kill Mr. Satan, as he and Hercule had a feud in the past. Android 18, along with Goten, Trunks, Krillin and Marron go to Hercule's house so 18 can get the money hercule owes her from the World Martial Arts Tournament. Just as Hercule is about to give in, a servent of Jaguar comes and takes Hercule to Jaguars island so he can fight the bio-warriors. Hercule pays 18, Goten and Trunks to beat them. They do, and then Goten and Trunks notice a tank with Broly in it. They try to destroy it, but Broly is released, along with a deadly acid. Broly, (covered in slime,) fights them, as the acid covers the island. Can they beat the Legendary Super Saiyan again?
One thing i didn't like about this movie was Broly. He never talked, and he really wasn't Broly. He was a clone covered in slime. He didn't seem as strong as he was in the first two Broly movies. But the fight was pretty good, and we have some classic Hercule humor.
Audio: 5/5
Perfect audio, in 5.1
Picture: 5/5
The picture looked great!
Action: 3.5/5
Good action, but without Gohan or Goku, the fighting gets stayle pretty quickly.
Story: 3.5/5
A good story in this one, better than in Broly: Second Coming
Overall: 3.5/5
In short, if you're a fan, get it. If not, wwatch the show, then the other movies, than get it.