Just over 500 years ago, Vlad the Impaler (Gregory Lee Kenyon) returns to his castle to find it over-run by Turks. He sells his soul to the Devil to save his wife and defeat the Turks, turning him to a monstrous demon. His... more » Victory is short-lived, however, as his wife is revived just in time to see him dragged to Hell. In the Hollywood Hills, a party marks the end of seven friend's high school careers. Dominic (Teo Celigo) seals his love for his anxious girlfriend, Chelsea (Marcienne Dwyer). Adam (Christian Gehring) reveals to everyone that he has been having increasingly potent dreams that seem to beckon him to a castle in Romania. His friends are shocked to find that he has booked the castle for a week to kick off their graduation Euro-trip. After arriving at the Castle, they find that they will not be the only residents. The groundskeeper, Veronica (Diana Busuioc), opens the castle gates and shows them to their rooms. She proves to be more than she seems as she leads the kids through a bloody ritual to release Vlad from Hell.« less