Hilarious horror spoof, a cult classic waiting to happen.
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Doom Asylum was possibly the wierdest and simultaneously funniest eighties bi-product I have ever seen and since the first time I saw it I knew that someday I would have to own it. This film was in a class all its own, not quite horror and not quite comedy Doom Asylum fit perfectly the description of what in the opinion of my friends and myself alike would call the perfect film. We are a rare breed forever in search of just the right film to tear apart. Like MST 3000 only very different and we are not on T.V. In conclusion, don't expect to see Doom Asylum in the runnings for the prestigous movie of the century award, but if you enjoy kicking back and enjoying a bad movie now and then I think that you will be plesantly surprised by this truly original film."
The goth band's a hoot
philthymcnasty | Omachron Percy i-8 | 08/12/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Here we have a fairly pedestrian entry into the horror genre, but one not without its charm. We have a gang of teenagers sight seeing in an abandoned asylum, populated by a deranged killer.By and large, it's a typical 80's horror film. It's largely comedic. The gore factor isn't remarkable by any means, but not bad. The best part of the movie is the all female angry political cheese-goth band. They're a hoot. Beyond that it's all here. The cheesy 80's goth band, the ridiculous plot twist, and a thoroughly respectable pointless excuse for the topless girl shot. Worth viewing if you're a horror fanatic and you have an hour and a half you were going to waste anyway."