Includes 4 music filled episodes featuring the Doodlebops and their favorite friends! ALL BY MYSELF- When Jazzmin's to-do list becomes too long for her to handle alone, Audio Murphy jumps at the chance to help her out. A... more »udio Murphy is convinced that he can get it all done by himslef, but he soon learns that it's best to ask for help when you really need it. BRING-A-SOUND-AROUNDER: Rooney has a smash hit on his hands when he invents a device- the Bring-a-Sound-Arounder- that allows you to listen to faraway sounds...but all the while, he's not listening to his closest friends' concerns about what little time he's now spending doing music with them. THE CHICKEN AND THE EGG: The Doodlebops discover that their resident clubhouse chicken is capable of answering all sorts of questions by laying colorful eggs that indicate a yes or no. Thinking the chicken is supersmart, they become dependent on her for for all their dilemmas, but learn the hard way that she doesn't have all the answers, and that they have to think about things for themselves. RHYMES WITH ORANGE: The Doodlebops have fun challenging Jazzmin to create rhymes for different words. But when Moe stumps her with finding a rhyme for the word "orange," Jazzmin loses her rhyming skills altogether. The Doodlebops put their rhyming caps on and help Jazzmin out all day, until she manages to get her rhyme back by creating made-up words to rhyme with.« less