A trademark Tony Scott film and starring Keira Knightley, Domino presents an entertaining mix of gritty action and a sharp visual style. The film is inspired by the life of Domino Harvey, a former model who rejected her pr... more »ivileged Beverly Hills life to become a bounty hunter.DVD Features:
Lots of people seem to like this but could not really get into it.
Buck L. (Suntydt) from TAZEWELL, TN Reviewed on 4/5/2013...
Three words: violent, nudity, confusing.
That said it WAS a good movie. It had a complicated story line. If you can't keep up with different plots jumping around this isn't a movie for you. The actors did a great job. The affects were good. You definitely didn't have time to be bored.
Rachel H. from PEARL, MS Reviewed on 1/7/2013...
Keira Knightley is awesome in this movie!
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Rhonda P. (rhonnie40) from CHARLES CITY, IA Reviewed on 9/20/2011...
Loved it thanks!
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jerry S. from OCEANSIDE, CA Reviewed on 5/24/2010...
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Susan I. (mustang05) from PLAINFIELD, IL Reviewed on 3/28/2010...
It was a decent movie,if you like violence and guns. Definitly a part I wouldn't think Keria Knightly would play,she pulled it off well.
Movie Reviews
A highly enjoyable, whacked-out acid trip of a movie
FairiesWearBoots8272 | USA | 10/17/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Imagine that before going to bed one night, you've read a magazine article about bounty hunter Domino Harvey, watched an over-the-top action movie and taken a hit of acid. Your dreams would likely resemble Tony Scott's new film, Domino. The film opens with "This is based on a true story........ sort of", and "sort of" is certainly accurate. If you're expecting a film biography of Domino Harvey, then you will certainly be disappointed with this movie. It's not a biography at all, in fact after seeing the movie you might know less about Domino Harvey than you did before. However, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Rather than delivering another dull overly reverent biopic, Tony Scott brings forth something entirely different. The movie is a mixture of fact and fiction, however there's certainly a lot more fiction than fact. Domino Harvey was a real person who was really a bounty hunter, and died earlier this year. Several other characters in the movie were based on real people. The film's plot was most likely entirely concocted for the movie, however. The fact that it was scripted by Donnie Darko writer/director Richard Kelly explains some of the craziness. I think its separation from reality is one intriguing thing about it, though. It's not supposed to be an accurate biopic, it's merely an action-crime thriller involving several real characters.
Keira Knightley stars as Domino giving a boisterous, abrasive performance that is both thrilling and provocative. She manages to distance herself from her previously girlish roles in such movies as Pirates of the Caribbean and Bend It Like Beckham. Indeed my initial interest in seeing this movie was the image of Keira Knightley brandishing machine guns. How could I resist? But that's not all. You also get Mickey Rourke in full tough-guy mode as Domino's partner Ed Mosbey.
And as if the prospect of Keira Knightley and Mickey Rourke as gun-wielding bounty hunters weren't enough, you also get Christopher Walken as a crazy television producer. However, the insanity doesn't stop there! Tom Waits appears as a sort of religious prophet, and Brian Austin Green and Ian Ziering of Beverly Hills 90210 star as themselves! Then, by the time the movie goes to the Jerry Springer show with Mo'Nique unveiling her new categories for racially mixed people, you wonder when the kitchen sink is going to show up. In one scene, Christopher Walken's character is described as having "the attention span of a ferret on crystal meth," and that pretty much sums up the movie as a whole.
It really is a crazy flick. It could be called many things. It's being called a severe case of style over substance, and that's certainly true. However whatever it is, one thing it certainly isn't is boring. There is nearly always something interesting and exciting going on onscreen. High art it's definitely not, but it is an outrageously entertaining movie. Whether or not most viewers like it will most likely depend on personal taste.
Domino is already sharply dividing critics, but that's certainly understandable. If you're at all familiar with Tony Scott's work as a director, then you probably know what to expect. He's not a fan of long takes and the average length of his shots tends to be about two seconds. Domino only increases the hyperkinetic filmmaking style that he's been working on. Viewers will find this to be either enjoyable and interesting or immensely frustrating. Personally, I didn't mind. The movie only occasionally made my head hurt. Anyone with epilepsy will certainly want to stay far away. However, those with a high tolerance for indulgence and manic camerawork and editing may find much to enjoy in Domino. For some, it will certainly be sensory overload, but others will enjoy the over-the-top ultraviolent whacked-out spectacle for what it is. I see definite cult potential for this movie."
Michael Zuffa | Racine, WI United States | 10/27/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Domino Harvey (Knightley), daughter of actor Laurence Harvey, was a model turned bounty hunter before her recent death. This is her story (sort of). The story is exaggerated and even retold as new information becomes known. Domino is looking to get away from the 90210 world she has lived in, and joins Ed (Roarke) and Choco (Ramirez) as a bounty hunter. They all work for Claremont Williams (Lindo), bringing fugitives to justice. When Williams gets them all involved in a scheme that involves the mob, a billionaire and $300,000, Domino must find a way to get her and her crew out unscathed.
"domino" is a glorious mess that both works and doesn't work depending upon the moment. Director Tony Scott employs ADD filmmaking to get Domino's frantic story across. The constant quick cuts work against the story, but after a while become bearable. Knightly does an adequate job as the titular character, with great support from Rourke. Ironically, two of the best roles are Brian Austin Green and Ian Ziering (from "Beverly Hills 90210") playing themselves as hosts of a reality show focusing on Domino and her gang.
This film will probably either be loved or hated by the average viewer, most likely hated. It is not a bad film though, just one that could have been better. I think Tony Scott accomplished what he set out to do, but for this moviegoer, it wasn't enough. Wait for DVD."
Fully equipped with the attention span of a ferret on crysta
Andrew Ellington | I'm kind of everywhere | 06/23/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"When I first saw `Domino' I was in love. I must admit that I adore Tony Scott's directing style. I remember when I first saw `Man on Fire', I was just blown away by the way Scott could capture your attention so effortlessly. I am a huge fan of his brother Ridley (one of our finest working directors) and while I feel Ridley is the finer director, Tony is working his way up their on his own terms. So to get back to my initial statement, when I first saw `Domino' I was smitten, or in love, whatever I said at first. Upon repeated viewings though, I have found that the film, while fun and explosive and utterly irresistible, is not without flaws; quite a few to be honest.
`Domino' tells the fictionalized story of real life bounty hunter Domino Harvey. Former model and daughter of a famous actor, Domino lived a life of prestige and glamour but she desired something a little more gritty. She resented her money and prominence and wanted to escape it as quickly as possible. When by chance she received an opportunity to do so, she took it, and thus joined bounty hunters Ed and Choco.
Quite possibly the only part of this movie that is true is the fact that Domino Harvey was a real person. More of the story could be based on actual events (I use the word `could' strongly here) but it really doesn't matter much. Whether it's true or not is not the issue. Even the film itself tells you before it begins that this is `sort of' the truth, and we as the audience can appreciate that. This is a way for Scott to pay homage to a friend and he does so with guts and bravado. There is no denying that `Domino' is an exciting visual feast and delivers a good time.
There is a problem though with the manic style in which Scott tells this story. It may not be true, but it should still at least be understandable, and while I'm not saying that the story is impossible to `get' I am saying that it takes a lot out of you to follow it coherently. The film is all over place in most parts, jumping time frames, repeating itself, stuttering, changing direction, jumping back, shifting focus; delivering large amounts of information at once and then going back and changing its mind on us. If you focus your attention you'll get it, but if you are not one who is used to having to really pay close attention you'll find yourself lost, and once you're lost you won't be able to find your way back. `Man on Fire' is a little more controlled, a film that uses the visual flare Tony Scott is known for but with restraint so as not to take away from the impact of the film.
To quote Mena Suvari's character; this film "has the attention span of a ferret on crystal meth."
The plot development is a little overly complicated at times, so much so that it causes me to question Scott's decision to simplify Domino's initiation into the world of bounty hunting. He takes a lot of time to develop this twisted and intricate DMV scam but skimps on showing us how Domino became the bounty hunter that she was (I highly doubt it was as easy as the film makes it seem).
A major highlight to the film though is the acting on the part of the entire cast. Keira Knightley and Mickey Rourke had a great year in 2005. They both gave award winning performances (Knightley in `Pride and Prejudice' and Rourke in `Sin City'), and Knightley even went on to garner an Oscar nomination. Here they excel at playing the character they are given. Knightley gives Harvey heart, and she manages to engage the audience and get us invested in her. Rourke creates a father figure for Domino, but never waters him down. He's still rough and gruff and extreme. Edgar Ramirez does a great job as Choco, the bounty hunter after Domino's heart, and Delroy Lindo is his usual fantastic self as Claremont, Domino's boss. The cast is extensive and serves us memorable performances by everyone from Mo'Nique (her Jerry Springer scene alone is unforgettable) to 90210 stars Ziering and Green (who do a stand up job of digging into their own celebrity).
True, `Domino' could have been a little cleaner, but then again, maybe that would have taken away from the impact Scott was going for. I would have liked to have seen Scott use a little more restraint with his style and delivered something a little more heavy hitting like `Man on Fire' (possibly his best film) and I would have liked to have seem a little more though gone into fleshing out these characters a little morel; but in the end I can't really complain too much. `Domino' is fun and exciting and engaging and serves up a deliciously violent good time. It's not perfect, but no one asked it to be."
A Very Entertaining Action Film
Joshua Miller | Coeur d'Alene,ID | 03/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Tony Scott's follow up to his hit film "Man on Fire" begins with the tag line:
"This is Based on a True Story...Sort of". That's probably the most accurate way to put it. Before seeing this movie, I had known nothing about this film except what I read in a short synopsis. The film was about a model named Domino Harvey, who's father had been an actor named Laurence Harvey who became an award winning bounty hunter. Then she died (I believe it was a drug overdose) while she was awaiting federal drug charges against her. So, I'm not sure how much of this film is true and personally...I don't give a f**k.
I had wanted to see this movie when it came to theatres and was pushed to see it more when Quentin Tarantino named it as one of his top 5 favorite films of the year on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Scott's last film "Man on Fire" was the first movie I had seen by Scott that portrayed his new directing style. Which means the psychedellc, overlighted shots you see in this film. I don't mind this cinematography and it works better in this movie then it did in MOF. But, anyway...This movie was not liked by critics for the most part, although three of the most respected critics (Roger Ebert, Richard Roeper, and Peter Travers) did like it, so I was expecting just another film like "Man on Fire" which is entertaining the first couple times and then just gets boring.
I also wasn't sure if I'd buy Keira Knightley as a bad girl. I'd already seen her do a medieval version bad girl in "King Arthur". But, from the first frame of this movie to the last, I loved it. This movie has a great script (no matter howt true it is), Scott's direction is in top form, and the performances are great and believable. This is probably my favorite action film of 2005, it's certainly the most entertaining. I was engrossed in this movie, glued to my seat even. It's not that the twists in this movie are good or anything, but just that it's fascinating and never boring. Anyway, here's my necessary synopsis.
Knightly plays Domino. Ever since she was a little girl Domino has loathed Hollywood (and the series "Beverly Hills 90210") and wanted to be a rebel. Not only does she want to be, she is...And she's good at it. Eventually she attends a bounty hunter seminar and catches the attention of veteran bounty hunter Ed and his co-worker Choco (Edgar Ramirez), who speaks perfect english but thinks its cute to talk in spanish in almost every scene in the movie. The two see her at first as just a way of looking like "two of the coolest guys in the world" but soon she becomes a real part of the team. It is then that Domino, Ed, and Choco are assigned by their boss Claremont Williams III to track down the people responsible for stealing ten million dollars from an armored truck, which was apparently robbed by a mob bosses two children and a couple of other guys who don ex-first lady masks.
Anyway, I don't want to say much more about the film except that I urge you to see it. This is truly an entertaining movie, no kidding...I almost forgot to mention that it's also funny. The "Blacktino" scene I found hilarious and
the way Rourke and Knightly slyly utter a lot of their dialouge is very good.
And I want to add, for all those male Keira Knightley fans. Hate to burst your bubble, but according to an interview I read in People Magazine she's using a body double in her sex scenes.
Edgy, Daring, and Visually Exciting Crime Drama
Grady Harp | Los Angeles, CA United States | 03/07/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Tony Scott has a lock and load style of directing, a manner of making a film like a fast ride in the editing room where you must depend on rapid sequence fragments to keep the whole story together, an artsy and at times a bit over the top pretentious visual language that, depending on the story, can work very well in enhancing the effect of the film experience.
DOMINO is a very daring and exciting version of Domino Harvey's life as a wealthy daughter of movie star Laurence Harvey, a successful model, but a disillusioned soul who chucks it all and turns her life around and becomes a bounty hunter. The story is based on fact (the real Domino Harvey had a hand in the film before her death just before the film was released) and that makes it even more suspenseful. Domino is played by Keira Knightly who more than demonstrates that she is an actress to watch. Her involvement with fellow bounty hunters Ed Moseby (Mickey Rourke) and Choco (Edgar Ramirez) along with characters enacted by Delroy Lindo, Mo'Nique, Riz Abbasi, Dabney Coleman, Brian Austin Green, and Lucy Liu to name only a few memebers of this talented cast is on the center of the target. There is much violence, some very amusing sequences, and lots of pyrotechnical and other action gimmicks that add to the film's flavor.
But the overall success of this 'biopic' is due to Tony Scott's signature vision of visual storytelling. It just works - but you have to surrender to the style that is evident from the opening shots in order to enjoy and appreciate this wild ride. The DVD has a lot of information about the real Domino Harvey with conversations while the crew discuss the characters and the actors portraying them in the film. Worth a careful look. Grady Harp, March 06"