Pop history for pop culture
Cray-Zee Asian | Somewhere Out There | 03/01/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Overall, this is a good series for those interested in air combat. The stories are generally good, complete with first-hand accounts, interviews with the actual pilots, and good computerized graphics. The format has been overly simplified for general consumption. An example of this is the aircraft comparison match up. They would provide three or four categories, sometimes changing the category, and put check marks under the aircraft that had the edge.
There are some inaccuracies with aircraft specifications, armaments, performance, and mission profiles. Sometimes, when describing the aircraft, they would show the wrong model with its performance specifications. For example, in a particular engagement, the pilot few a P-51B, and the model shown, with specs, was the P-51D. While the correct model was used in the actual CG combat sequence, there are key differences between the two models that were completely looked over and ignored.
Some glaring mistakes with the CG segments include missiles clearly shown on wing racks, after a combat sequence, when the pilot is supposed to be out of weapons. Another example of CG inaccuracy is the having a missile exploding against enemy aircraft, blowing off a wing, when the actual written accounts from the pilot describes the heat seeking missile flying up the tailpipe to detonate inside. The CG depiction and sound effects of firing the M61A1 Vulcan cannon is not only completely inaccurate, but comical. The stock film footage shown tends to be the over used clips, often seen in other documentaries.
Jargon and slang aren't always explained, neither are many technical concepts like energy levels, flight envelopes, thrust to weight ratios, wing loading, target aspect, etc. There are also the occasional misuse of the word "bogey" (an unidentified target) instead of "bandit" (confirmed enemy target).
Other criticism involve subject matter. While all the stories are riveting and rich with heroic exploits, not a single episode is shown from an "enemy" perspective. Don't get me wrong. I love the U.S.A. I think we have the best military in the world. However, we miss out on what makes air combat so dramatic. By the time I was halfway through the series, the menace, the danger, the potential threat was not there. The enemies weren't presented to be formidable. The American pilot always over comes the bad guy or multiple bad guys, and flies off into the sunset victorious, with not a scratch on his airplane.
We are missing out on some of the great aces of WWII. Lt. Gen. Gunther Rall was with us until October of 2009. Did we get to have any interviews with him, or learn about any of his exploits against the Allies in his Bf-109? No. This guy had 275 air victories. He must have been doing something right. Do we hear anything about him? Only a passing mention by Chuck Yeager, saying that he was his good friend. The Luftwaffe was the terror of the skies, and when "Bud" Anderson tangled with a Bf-109 veteran pilot, and won, it was a great accomplishment. Instead, it felt more like the "ho-hum" predictable, victory. Erich Hartman, the Ace of Aces with 352 kills would have been a great subject. Even an episode on Russian aces, flying Yaks, MiGs, or American planes in WWII would have been wonderful!
Instead of we see the plight of Taffy III, "a small U.S. task unit of tin can destroyers and baby flat-tops, in the 1944 Battle of Samar", and the sinking of the Yamato, and the hunt for the Bismark. I'm sorry, but THESE AREN'T DOGFIGHTS!!! Some air combat is involved in these scenarios, but I watched the series for Air to Air Combat, not sea battles. It's like giving tickets to a demolition derby, to a NASCAR fan. Still enjoyable, but not what he or she really wants to see.
The GC gets better in season two, but the stories, while interesting, continue to produce the same level of excitement, contrary to the pounding repetitiveness of the accompanying musical score.
Despite the many criticisms, this is still a worthwhile series. True historical enthusiasts might find it a bit rudimentary and benign, but the eye candy is still appealing."
Great for History Buffs
A. Long | Kansas | 12/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The CGI were fantastic. Most of all, it is not 2nd, 3rd or 4th hand history. It is told, for the most part by the people that were really there. Being a history buff I couldn't have asked for any better. As usual the items from Amazon arrived on time and in good condition."