Introducing the much anticipated sequel to his first DVD. In this new 2-disc set, Paul Owens explains why dogs get into trouble in the first place and offers step-by-step solutions to many common problems including: Indo... more »or Behavior Problems: - Barking or Whining - Begging at Table - Bolting Out the Door - Chewing, Destruction & Stealing - Getting on Furniture - Housetraining - Jumping - Mouthing, Nipping & Biting Outdoor Behavior Problems: - Barking in Yard - Digging - Eating Forbidden Items - Lunging / Pulling on Leash - Meeting Other Dogs Menu-driven, organized format. Extras include Clicker Training, Tether Safety, Kennel (Crate) Training, Rewards & Weaning of Treats, Safety in Yards and on Walks and much more! Over 2 1/2 hours of Training Sessions on 2 DVDs!« less
Janet B. (sassypants) from BRANDYWINE, WV Reviewed on 8/15/2008...
This is NOT Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer. Be aware before you buy.
Movie Reviews
Understanding+Compassion= RESULTS!
Christine Lee | Southern California | 01/12/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First off, this is NOT a Cesar Millan training DVD. This dog training DVD is with Paul Owens, the "Original" Dog Whisperer. Paul Owens wrote the book "The Dog Whisperer: A Compassionate, Nonviolent Approach to Dog Training" in 1999- well before Millan came on the TV scene. Paul Owens has also recently published the outstanding book "Puppy Whisperer: A Compassionate, Nonviolent Guide to Early Training and Care".
This is a two-DVD set and is 2.5 hours long. The production quality of this set is top-notch. In my opinion, it is very reasonably priced- especially considering what the cost would be if you had a private trainer come to your home and cover all these items with you in person!
Paul Owens takes you through solving the different canine challenges step-by-step in a way that is not overwhelming or condescending. He shows you how to get your dog to behave without raising your voice, or losing your temper. It is very easy to follow his techniques, because he helps you understand why your dog may be doing a particular behavior (and how you may actually be contributing to it!).
Don't think that Mr. Owens tells you to toss out treats and hope for good behavior from your dog. In a warm and easygoing style, he teaches you how to replace your dog's undesirable behaviors with acceptable ones. He teaches you how to set boundaries as to what is acceptable and what is not in a manner that does not create fear in your dog (or you!). He shows how his compassionate method of training builds trust and enhances the bond between you and your dog.
Note that your dog should have some degree of basic obedience skills (such as 'sit' and 'down') under his or her belt before working on the exercises in this DVD set. This DVD set is also not geared for severe behavior problems, such as aggression or separation anxiety- consult a qualified canine behavior consultant for these type of issues.
This dog training DVD set covers behavior problems such as:
Barking/Whining (indoor and outdoor)
Begging at Table
Bolting Out the Door
Getting on Furniture
Housetraining/Crate Training
Barking in Yard
Eating Forbidden Items
Mouthing, Nipping, and Biting
Lunging/Pulling on Leash
Meeting Other Dogs
Even better, he includes information regarding how to use and wean off treats, being safe when out and about with your dog, and clicker training.
Paul Owens is the "Original" Dog Whisperer. His latest video is outstanding, and I highly recommend it!
Gentle, Positive, and Effective
Nicole Wilde | California | 01/12/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Paul Owens has long been a well-respected name among dog professionals as well as the dog-owning public, for good reason. His training methods are kind, gentle, and compassionate, and are grounded in the science of how dogs think and learn.
This DVD will teach you many things, but throughout, you will learn how to better communicate with your dog so that he understands what you would like him to do. That in itself is invaluable. Everyday issues such as darting out the front door and grabbing things from countertops are covered, and a variety of dogs are used. Paul explains what to do if the dog does not respond in the way you would like, which is very helpful. He teaches you how to break training down into small, manageable steps so your dog can perform the behaviors successfully.
There is no jerking, kicking, or other force-based methods here, yet the dogs learn what is expected very quickly. Paul obviously has a great love for dogs, and his DVD makes training fun and enjoyable for both dogs and people. There is a lot included on this 2-disk set for a very reasonable price, and I highly recommend it.
- Nicole Wilde, author Energy Healing for Dogs: Using Hands-On Healing to Improve Canine Health and Behavior
M. A. Butler | N Hollywood, CA United States | 01/13/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great video, and what alot of info for your buck! I just read a wonderful review of this DVD in Christian Science Monitor, entitled, "The Original Dog Whisperer - Unleashed" by Marjorie Kehe (Jan. 11, 2008 edition.) Ms. Kehe says,
"Some years ago ... I needed a dog trainer. Not knowing any better, I enlisted a tightly wound "expert" with an enthusiasm for the choke collar. The third lesson - when he told me that "a little humiliation is good for a dog" - was our last.
"I wish I'd known then about Paul Owens. A cheerful bear of a man with a sunny, Zen-like attitude, Owens specializes in "compassionate, nonviolent" dog training. He relies on treats, play, and affection as rewards and never so much as raises his voice.
"Punitive training methods do work, acknowledges Owens. But 30 years of experience with dogs have convinced him that they are utterly unnecessary."
Marjorie sums it up beautifully!"
The good stuff just keeps coming!
N. Walder | Chicago, IL | 01/14/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, I have been a big fan of Paul Owens' previous book and DVD, and this latest DVD proves that the good stuff keeps coming. I found this DVD to be incredibly helpful in approaching many of the behavior problems that I found was happening in my home. I felt that each solution was broken down into approachable steps so that I was able to accomplish what I saw on the screen.
I give this DVD a double thumbs up and would recommend it to any of my friends."
Instead of intimidate ,teach!
Jenina Schutter | 01/14/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Planty off option for solving your different command problem behaviors, which are managable and pleasant to do. Even with an aggressive dog!I have one and having to conect with him in a fun way, getting his up most attention, created devotion and trust. That helped tremendous to over come all aggression problems. This DVD will get you on the track to think about prevention, comprehensive steps for you and your dog. Even The Original Dog Whisperer, Paul Owens isn't working on this DVD with any aggressions."