"Cesar has an amazing way about him. He is calm, assertive, and completely rational, no matter what the dog is doing. People often treat dogs as the person would like to be treated, as opposed to how dogs want and need to be treated. In each and every case, it is the human creating or making the issue worse. Cesar begins by training the human, which enables the dog to begin to lead a wholesome life. Disagree that it is the human with the problem? Then why are you thinking of purchasing a dvd for a human to watch and learn from?
It is Your Actions, the Human's Actions, that will make the difference in your dog's life. Cesar lets you know that you have the power to help your dog with whatever problems it may have. He isn't a fluffly, new agey type of person, despite the title of the show. He gets things done, and he does it with compassion, intellect and the strenth of his personality, which he passes on to the people he trains.
Contrary to an earlier review, I have never seen Cesar cause any pain, emotional or physical, to any dog in any of his instructional vidoes or episodes. In fact, in one episode he works with a chronically ill woman who has almost no upper body strength, and is basically a fragile human being. Despite all that, she quickly and easily rehabilitated her dog's aggressive behavior, with no further worries that she will have to physically restrain him. She was able to accomplish the training without any help besides verbal instruction from Cesar.
Any of his episodes or instructional videos will help you understand dogs and what they need, and how you can give them a good life, therebye giving the dog owner a happier life in return."
Required viewing!
Emilypen | 08/31/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a must-see for any dog owner. Because of Cesar, dogs can finally get their messages across. You dog will sigh with relief if you follow Cesar's directions."
Dog lover
L. Selby | TN | 11/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have watched cesar millan for a long time. Someone, who apparently has not seen him, has issued a review saying that he inflicts pain and "bullies" the animal to show them who is boss. What nonsense. He empowers dog owners to take the leadership role in the owner/pet relationship. He is the most loving owner of animals that I have seen and his animals adore him. He takes throw away animals (he has about 40+) and has them in his dog compound. He exercises them and runs on the beach with them and they have a better life than many children in this country.
His expectations of owners and pets are high. Anyone who follows his advice and works with their animals like he advises will have a happy experience with dog ownership."
Non Aggressive Approach to Dog Training
C-Mac | Seattle, WA United States | 02/22/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have read other reviews and done different training techniques. I know from my experience, after watching the Cesar, it basically changed our dog life. We have three dogs. We have been through clicker training and individual obedience training. They listen to us. They are not food aggressive with us. However, with three dogs the reality is there are pack issues. They do have to be fed in order, they do have to be given attention in order. It is a known fact that especially same sex dogs can have aggressive problems between them because they are establishing top dog status.
Cesars methods are amazing. What he does is basically show you how to redirect your dogs energy with a slight tug. He has used everything from a gentle leader to a leash used as they do in Eukanuba Tournaments. A slight jerk--not militant style--just a flick of the wrist and you are on the way to redirecting your dogs energy and attentions. A small noise--no yelling, no aggression. Nothing. I have seen how phenominally it worked on my dog who I was told had anxiety problems. As soon as I started using his techniques she began to use me as her beacon--if someone was at the door she looked to me for answers instead of becoming fearful or aggressive. He doesn't use choke collars or spike collars, just a basic leash.
The point is that to say that dogs aren't pack animals is completely off base. Get a group of dogs together and they all run together, unless trained to stay with their owner. And if its neutral territory they play happily. Walk by a fence and look how a dog guards its territory. Clicker training was really great for the basics and creating a well-behaved dog, but Cesar takes you beyond that to a very happy very stable dog. It is just amazing. There is no aggression, it is assertiveness. It is saying I am your leader follow me, when the dog fights a flick of the wrist and a quick noise brings them back. Can you imagine being able to walk three dogs behind with no pulling, tugging or fighting for first place?"
Cesar rehabilitates dogs; he TRAINS people
L. Barker | West Coast, USA | 05/08/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"CelticRaven7 obviously has NOT seen even one of Cesar's shows - Cesar Millan uses 'dog psychology' and when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. It makes sense to the dogs too. He can take dogs that other trainers have said were dangerous & needed to be put down, and in a matter of a few HOURS has completely changed the dog's behavior. He does NOT use fear, or pain, or any other negative reinforcement, nor does he use treats, clickers, or other tools. He has spent his entire life watching dogs (he grew up on a farm) and he has them completely figured out. I merely TOLD one friend how Cesar 'rehabilitates' dogs who pull at the leash and charge other dogs, and with just ONE walk she had her dog broken of his bad habits. Which goes to show how thoroughly Cesar understands dogs, and how well dogs understand Cesar's psychology. I don't have dogs, but I bought this for my girlfried with a pet sitting business, because she doesn't have cable. (if you still have doubts, check out his website, and see for yourself)."