Walter Five | 13th Floor Elevator, Enron Hubbard Bldg. Houston T | 09/05/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This release assembles the individual weekly bits of a Doctor Who animated adventure originally broadcast on a BBC Children's activity show based around the BBC TV Show "Doctor Who" in 2006-7. It's the first time it's been available here in the U.S.
As such, it is episodic, and juvenile, rather thin on plot and fairly transparent for adult viewers. But the under-12 set will love it, and it's entertaining enough for adults, provided you're already a fan of the revamped BBC TV Series.
Non-essential Whovian programming if you're not a completist, but perfect for family viewing. Four out of five stars."
Cartoon doctor who adventures are good fun
Michael P. Dobey | colorado springs | 09/06/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"BBC america shop needs to thanked for bringing this out in this region.
At first there was some doubt wether we would ever see this dvd available here. Many fans went to the bbc america shop website and recommended this and it made a difference. This is a fun cartoon adventure for the whole family which is worth buying and adding to your doctor who collection. After all the classic doctor who stories and newer doctor who are family friendly too. I would suggest going both to the bbc doctor who site and the bbc america shop site and asking for further unreleased cartoon adventures that are provided from the online doctor who site as well. There is even a cartoon adventure of a version of the doctor played by richard e grant. Anyways if you love doctor who you will enjoy this cartoon version of the newest doctor , and the price is very affordable too."
An interesting diversion for hardcore fans
A. Gammill | West Point, MS United States | 12/27/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"As an American fan of Doctor Who, I knew nothing about this animated version until this DVD was released in the U.S. But I was intrigued by the very idea of an animated Doctor Who, and it's VERY inexpensive compared to the full-season sets, so I decided to give it a try.
As others have said, the overall feel of the show is that it is aimed at younger viewers (ironically, the BBC apparently considers the live-action WHO a kid's program, and everyone I know who watches it is over 30). The plot reminded me a bit of watching the old Space Ghost cartoons from the 60's.
While the characters and background are beautifully rendered, the animation is a bit limited. This is apparently the new accepted style for many animated series, but it takes some getting used to if you're a fan of classic cartoons.
And while the voice acting does appear lackluster at times, I thought Anthony Head (who also appears in the 2nd season episode "School Reunion") does a fine job as the villain.
Extras include brief behind-the-scenes featurettes on the making of the program. While it's good to see David Tennant and the others working outside their normal venues, most folks will probably watch the bonus features once and never again.
Overall, The Infinite Quest is a mixed bag. If you're a hardcore WHO fan, you'll get a kick out of it. Casual fans, and those uninitiated to the world the time-traveling Time Lord, will probably wonder what the big deal is."
Good little episode
Addy | 12/06/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is one of the good small adventures fit for both adults and kids. It's similar to the key to time adventure. A must have for Doctor Who fans. I love the animation and I enjoyed that they animated the title sequence. I'm happy that the same actors came back to do the voices and Anthony Head makes a brilliant villain."
An entertaining watch, but a bit thin
Mark W. Stallings | Colorado Springs, CO United States | 03/13/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The story was entertaining but the plot was kinda weak. It definately seemed geared more towards children than true fans of Dr. Who. My Children love this video by the way. It runs like a Doctor Who version of 'Treasure Planet,' only not as good. There is very limited intracate thinking like you see in the shows.
I certianly hope that the makers of Doctor Who continue to try this media, but come at it with the adult viewer in mind."