At last! Genesis of the Daleks finally comes to DVD!
rnorton828 | Riverbend, IL | 03/09/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Genesis of the Daleks was one of the first Doctor Who stories I remember watching when I first started watching the program on PBS. Genesis was actually the first Dalek story I had ever seen, and it remains my overall favorite today, as well as one of my overall favorite Doctor Who stories. After years of thrilling stories with the Doctor's oldest archenemies, The DW production staff, along with writer/Dalek creator Terry Nation, decided to explain the origins of the psychotic, megalomaniacal pepperpots in Genesis of the Daleks. The Doctor (Tom Baker) and his companions Harry Sullivan (Ian Marter) and Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) are brought to Skaro, the Daleks' homeworld, by the Time Lords at a time before the Dalek race existed. The Time Lords want the Doctor to either prevent the Daleks from having ever existed, or alter their development so that they evolve into less aggressive creatures. The Doctor, Harry and Sarah find themselves in the middle of a long-running war of attrition between two humanoid races--the Kaleds and the Thals. They discover that the nuclear bombardments have caused people on both sides to mutate. The Kaleds, who are into racial purity, have expelled their mutants (called Mutos) into the wastelands outside their city. One exception is Davros (Michael Wisher), their chief scientist. Davros, believing these mutations are speeding up the evolution of the Kaleds, is performing experiments which lead to the creation of the first Daleks. But Davros' experiments cause the Daleks to lose their sense of emotion--love, hate, pity, compassion. They are driven by one thing--the need for power over the Thals and other "lesser" races. Davros betrays the Kaleds by helping the Thals nuke the Kaled city and destroy his own race. He then turns on the Thals by sending an army of Daleks into their city to exterminate them, sending the survivors running into the wastelands. In addition to Baker, Marter, Sladen and Wisher, some other great performances come from Peter Miles as Nyder, Harriet Philpin as Bettan and James Garbutt as Ronson. Although Resurrection of the Daleks was a very good story, Genesis of the Daleks is probably the last Dalek story from the original series that could truly be considered a classic, and I am thrilled that it is finally coming to DVD."
Thomas E. O'Sullivan | Knoxville, Maryland United States | 08/20/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In every sense of the word GENESIS OF THE DALEKS is a "classic".
It has classic scenes, classic lines, classic charcters, a classic setting and the classic of all classic DOCTOR WHO villains - THE DALEKS. How can you go wrong? With both eyes closed, it hardly seems you could... but even the most die hard fan must admit that while GENESIS aims high, it is often mired in a disjointed plot, long winded writing, and paced like a car wreck. It's all bits and pieces flying everywhere - and you can't take your eyes off it. GENESIS OF THE DALEKS is truly a mess - but a wonderful one.
Terry Nation takes us back to the origin of his most famous creations and manages to not only provide a crediable and interesting background story for the Daleks - but establish a new character, DAVROS, who has managed to last almost as long as the Daleks themselves. This is a high point in the story, and one of the main reason why you should own this collection - as for the rest, there are some problems. At six episodes GENESIS runs too long for the material - causing many charcters to reapeat actions, dialouge, plot and story over and over again. The Doctor, Sarah and Harry end up spending a lot of time walking (and running) in this story as well.
From one dome to the another. Above ground, underground, in corridors, under floors, up ladders and down trenches - they are always on the move and always just missing each other at every moment. This story also features one of the least classic monsters in DOCTOR WHO's history - the Giant Clam. It looks exactly like the plastic, spray painted and hand operated "monster" that it is - it's so bad, it's classic. Roger Corman would be proud. But, underneath all the studio cheek and filmed quarry sequences there lies a good story. What do you do when you're presented with the chance to rewrite history? To stop interstellar war, horror and genocide - and what do you do when it's your mission? The Doctor faces these facts and fails to come up with any answers - this is not a bad thing.
GENESIS OF THE DALEKS comes packed as a two disc special edtion and even casual fans will find a number of things here to entertain and inform them. But there are a few downsides - the largest of which is the commentary provided by Baker (the Doctor), Sladen (Sarah), Miles (Nyder) and Maloney (director) - there are a few sparks, but far too many gaps, pauses and long silences as everyone involved tries to remember something. Names pop up, production problems rear their heads and Baker and Sladen demonstrate that chemistry that made them the duo that they were on screen. In fact, it's Sladen that rescues a lot of this commentary - from her references to the new DOCTOR WHO series, and her role in it - to her personal asides and feelings on the production. The worst though has to be Peter Miles who plays Nyder - a dark, vile charcter in the story - but Miles has little next to nothing to say about it. Perhaps there is nothing to be said - Nyder is evil. While I love the ideas behind these commentaries - they are hit and miss. While a Peter Davison and Frazer Hines commentary is bound to leave you informed and laughing - others are trials. A moderator, someone in the know, with facts in hand and the ability to not only prompt, but interview as well, is really required to bring the experience to life.
Text commentary fills in a number of the gaps - but have your remote at the ready. There are times when whole passages of text appear on the screen for two seconds or less, causing you to rewind and pause to read. Also - there are a few errors in facts and some "duh" mistakes that you can't help but laugh at - but they can be forgiven.
GENESIS is a classic. It's one of my all time favorites - and for those new to the series, it's a must own. Look past the extras and just enjoy the show."
Suppose somebody told you a certain child would grow to be a
Kevin J. Loria | New Orleans, LA USA | 03/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Imagine you could pick your favorite villains, from your favorite TV show, and do more than just reinvent those villains, but invent those villains, infront of the eyes of a viewer totally familiar with who those villains are, then go back and tell the story of their origin from the perspective of the protagonist. When that protagonist is a TIMELORD, it's easy to tell that story. That is just what Genesis of the Daleks is, the story of how the Doctor's greatest enemy comes to be. But, this concept is taken further than just telling their origin, the Doctor's mission is to stop that origin!
This is truely one of the best story arcs of the 4th incarnation of the Doctor, as played by fan-favorite, Tom Baker (currently narrator on the successful "Little Brittain" series).
This gritty and sometimes extremely dark story is one I and many fans have been waiting on for DVD release. The Doctor questions his own morality, wrestling with the decision to wipe out the Daleks like some terrible disease: To destroy an intelligent life form, wiping out a race, would 'he' be any better than the Daleks.
One short-coming is the price of BBC 2-disc sets is high and the special-bonus material is usually less-than special."
One of the best Doctor Who stories ever
Dennis Maloney | New York USA | 03/25/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was the story that got me hooked on Doctor Who back in the early 80's. My friend was a fan long before me and was always getting me to sit down and watch episodes on local TV with commercials. I was not impressed by what I saw until they ran Genesis of the Daleks during a PBS pledge drive. That was all it took to make me a diehard fan. Other reviewers have gone into detail about why this story is so good so I won't repeat their excellent comments here.
With this release my Top 5 favorite stories are now on DVD. Shame about the price increase though. On the plus side we're getting one of the Tom Baker's best stories and he's even doing a commentary!
Now if the BBC will only release Pertwee's Dalek stories..."
One of the best
C. R. Swanson | Phoenix | 06/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's hard for me to make up a list of the best "Doctor Who" episodes. Well, let me restate that. I can make a list from here to Ravalox and back, but it's hard to put them into any order. It's a list the contains things like Doctor Who - The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Doctor Who - The Tomb of the Cybermen, and, of course, "Genesis of the Daleks". I'm not sure if it's the best story (what's your favorite? Comment!), but it's definately the best Dalek story.
The story opens with our heroes trying to return to Earth after one of their most recent adventures. They get, essentially, pulled over by the Time Lords. One of them, dressed, for some odd reason, rather like Tim the Enchanter, explains to the Doctor that he's on Skaro and must prevent the construction of the Daleks.
Now this opens up a great many interesting doors, including such things as the grandfather paradox. A lot of them don't get opened, but some do, such as the Doctor questioning the morality of destroying the Daleks. He sites the evil that they do, but also explains that by forcing various species to work together against them they also cause good (in Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch it's observed that evil sows the seeds of its own destruction. This is a great example).
The story is also notable for the introduction of Davros. Ah, Davros. For some reason, despite the Daleks appearing every-other episode of the new series, he hasn't shown up yet. Probably only a matter of time, as it were.
Both the story and the acting are of quite high caliber here. Tom Baker, who hadn't been the Doctor for long, does an excellent job of developing out the chracter he'd play for seven years. The various supporting roles, especially the Kaleds, are also very well-done.
As is usual with the "Doctor Who" DVD releases there's a wealth of extra materiel. Especially of note is the entertaining commentary. I couldn't help but laugh when there's a shot on the screen of a man wearing a gas mask and Elisabeth Sladen says, "Mummy!" (if you don't get it, watch the new series. Most of it's... well, adequete).
Any "Doctor Who" DVD collection simply must feature this story. If you don't have it, get it.
(as a side note, years ago I, in what I can only guess was a sleep deprived state while attending Norwescon, began to shout out randomly, "We- are- Daleks- of- Borg! You- will- be- assimilated! Assimilate! ASSIMILATE!" Yeah... I'm just that weird)"