Samuel K. (Solvanda)
Reviewed on 7/11/2018...
The original tale which started all the madness, aka Dalekmania. On the heels of WWII, these protagonists resonated with many a chilled populace. Also, "Doctor Who and the Daleks" was the first Doctor who book ever written, which included an enjoyable bunch of extra details which flesh out these television episodes from 1963. Later made into an official movie starring Peter Cushing (the first time the Daleks are seen in color as well.) A Lot of interesting life lessons in this story. Enjoyable on many levels.
Edge of Destruction is a fun romp too. Wait until you see Susan (the Doctor's granddaughter) go bonkers with a pair of scissors. Much of the show's mythology is set up within these two shows. As with all of the Doctor Who releases, there are both subtitles available, and also production notes one can view along with the program, which are very entertaining, if not informative. All of these classic releases are also chock full of extra features. Many of the later shows have new special effects integrated in as an option during viewing (none of the these B/W episodes though.)