"Yet I am still here! I can see nothing! Feel nothing! You have locked me into hell for an eternity!...Trapped like this, like a sponge beneath the sea. Yet even a sponge has more life than I. Can you understand a thousandth of my agony?! I, Morbius, who once led the High Council of the Time Lords, reduced to this -- to the condition where I envy a vegetable."
Brain of Morbius is a four part serial aired by the BBC in 1976, and a treasure house of wit, such as when Dr. Solon refers to his servant Condo as a "chicken-brained biological disaster" or deems the Sisterhood of Karn a "squalid brood of harpies" or opines that Maren, the elderly leader of the Sisterhood be a "palsied harridan." You'll recognize many nods to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein here.
Upon this story's original broadcast, Mary Whitehouse (of the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association) complained of the violence displayed; she was quoted saying that The Brain of Morbius "contained some of the sickest and most horrific material seen on children's television."
Movie Reviews
The Planet of the Modern Prometheus.
Armchair Pundit | Durham City, England. | 07/11/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Season Thirteen.
Much to the Doctors chagrin the Time Lords have taken control of the TARDIS, sending the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith into very dangerous ground upon the stormlashed spaceship graveyard planet of Karn.
Sheltering from the rain in a castle atop a mountain, the Doctor encounters the surgeon Mehendri Solon, and his simple minded slave/assistant Condo conducting gruesome experiments on living flesh, but for what reason?
And now as a storm approaches, great evil from the depths of Time Lord history plots its return to the land of the living.
But can even the Doctor's mind, be a match for The Brain of Morbius.
Four episodes of sumptuous gothic filled suspense, suspense that will suspend your everyday worries and cares, well at least for ninety minutes anyway. Mr Baker and Ms Sladen are on sparkling form, as is Philip Madoc, marvellously getting his teeth into a role he can go gloriously over the top with. Welsh born Madoc was a; "Who" semi regular, featuring in stories like The War Games as The War Lord, The Krotons as Eelek, and The Power of Kroll as Fenner. As well as the second Peter Cushing Dalek film. And with the passing of time, even writer Terrance Dicks no longer feels so bland towards this story anymore. For people like myself who finds the extras a nice touch, I did feel the extras were a bit on the weak side compared to some other releases.
Warning to the parents of little ones, the scene where Solon shoots Condo reveals a bit of blood, so a bit of parental discretion may be called for there.
DVD Extras
Commentary by Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Philip Madoc, Philip Hinchcliffe and Christopher Barry .
Getting a Head:~ A new documentary about the making of the programme featuring Christopher Barry, Philip Hinchcliffe,writer Terrance Dicks, designer Barry Newbery, composer Dudley Simpson, and actors Philip Madoc, Cynthia Grenville, Colin Fay and Gillian Brown, with narration by Paul McGann
Designs on Karn: How the planet Karn was created, with designer Barry Newbery
Set Tour Take a walk around the studio sets with this 3D CGI reconstruction
Radio Times Billings: Listings from Radio Times on Pdf DVD Rom
Photo Gallery
Sketch Gallery
Coming Soon Trailer
Production Information Subtitles
Digitally remastered picture and sound quality.
Originally broadcast:~ 3rd January 1976 - 24th January 1976.
(Region 2 version now on sale at amazon.uk)
"Morbius's brain... on the floor!"
Jason A. Miller | New York, New York USA | 11/16/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I out-and-out love this story. I've taken the typical "Doctor Who" fan's path to this point of view, however. I was riveted at age 11, embarrassed at age 16, and now celebrate it in all its campy glory. When the disembodied brain of Morbius fell onto the floor with an audible "splat!" late in Part Three, I actually cheered.
What's most impressive about the DVD release is the Restoration Team's attitude to the story. Now that the classic series DVDs have been coming out for almost ten years, and the greatest of the great stories have long since been released, and the available remaining stories come from deep in the third tier (and now, with the imminent release of Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday (Episode 118), the fourth tier), it is hard to predict what editorial slant the DVD extra features will take. I've been surprised, for example, by the coldness toward Doctor Who - Black Orchid (Episode 121), and I nodded along to the wistful revelation that Doctor Who: The Invisible Enemy/K9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend just hasn't aged that well at all.
Fortunately, the DVD producers appear to love Morbius, and for roughly the same reasons that I do. They're perhaps a little too enamored of Philip Madoc's Shatner-esque turn as this story's Dr. Frankenstein stand-in, Solon. But everyone loves the dimly heroic Condo, the one-armed manservant standing in for Igor. Even Terrance Dicks, who took his name off the final version of the story, seems to have warmed up to it considerably -- and we know from many other past DVD releases that Uncle Terry isn't shy about picking a fight with a 35 year-old bit of TV history.
All in all, "Brain of Morbius" blends two elements of "Doctor Who" greatness. First, a terrific script by Robert Holmes, full of memorable insults ("That palsied harridan!") and throw-away world building (the lone reference to "the silent gas dirigibles of the Hoothi", which 15 years later was resurrected for Love and War (The New Doctor Who Adventures). And second, there's that fearless 1970's mentality that "We're going to get away with putting a rubber brain in a fishbowl and mounting that on an ill-fitting costume with chicken feathers and an enormous lobster claw".
The only curiosity is that, while the text commentary accurately describes Terrance Dicks' novel-writing career as including the Past Doctor Adventure Warmonger (Doctor Who), the writer curiously fails to mention that it was in fact a prequel to this story. Just as well, however. Unlike this DVD, you might want to give that book a miss."
If I only had a brain
James L. Strachota | 02/12/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Tom Baker is still the best Doctor in my eyes. This episode just shows his charm and wonder all over again. With faithful Sarah Jane at his side as always. Outside of Rose from the new show I think Sarah Jane was one if not the longest companion on the show. That's one thing I would love to see on the new show, a companion that last for four or five seasons with some other companions that come and go."
What else can be said?
Stephen Ressel | North Dakota, USA | 12/05/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Oddly memorable, perhaps not the best or worst of the Hinchcliffe-Holmes era, but filled with all the hallmarks that made Who such fun to watch.
I always enjoy the extras, having seen these episodes for decades. The restoration team/production team have been spicing up the extras on all DVDs very nicely. When Hinchcliffe, Baker and Sladen are on commentary it is always a treat. Philip Madoc also appears on the commentary, having made such a memorable performance.
"Getting A Head" is a nice little extra to illustrate all the ideas and work that went in behind the scenes. Poor Terrance Dicks describes his original idea which was put through the delectable Holmes sausage grinder. His original idea was actually quite solid, but too expensive or difficult to make, then rewritten by Holmes and labels as written by Robin Bland. Hearing all the main actors describe their experiences is many times quite humorous.
For $[...] this is a gem for anyone that enjoys the series, or anyone looking for a matinee entertainment. On Saturday afternoon PBS in the 80's it fell into a cultural null for any non-sports fan. These days it might look dated and clunky, but the writing of "Morbius" is still stronger than most TV in current broadcast, and it is more fun than most modern cinema since effects were limited and the actors and situations blazed forward.
Good stuff."
I was waiting for this one...
A. Cupples | MD | 10/21/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's the mad scientist and Rocky Horror (w/o the sex) meets Dr. Who and the BBC. There's something for everyone! Cult worshippers, Sara Jane goes blind, the Dr. almost gets his head cut off... there's large insects combined with humans.... it's lots of fun!"