NOT ON CHRISTMAS!! I Better Get This DVD, I Ask & I Better G
Schroeder (DJ WACK O) | California | 10/01/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What can I say, it's GR8!! DIVINE is Divine, wild dress, wild hair & FRICKEN FANTASTIC!! Here we have DIVINE singing to a DEAD CROWD! What the hell's wrong with them ZOMBIE people at the Hacienda? DIVINE is singing her raspy heart out & them FLIPPERS "R" just standing around like they just ate a vegetable platter. You FLIPPERS should of just stayed home & watched re-runs of Little House On the Prairie. Boot 2 the head 2 you HACIENDA DEAD HEADS!! This DVD kicked AZZ!! There "R" 2 performances on this DVD & well worth the cash (especially @ the AMAZON price). Do yourself a favor & pick this one up (the DVD not DIVINE, you'll get a Himana). We miss u DIVINE especially DJ WACK "O" (Cult Movies Magazine & Orbital Traxx Records)"
Louis Gomes | Ireland | 01/19/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"the sound is so bad itrs a piece of junk. i would like my money back for that the sound is totally bassed and i want a refund."