10 CLASSICS OF TORN LOYALTIES, BROKEN FAMILIES, AND BLOOD-STAINED FIELDSRecount the stories of struggle and strife from the Civil War with 10 film classics featuring Errol Flynn, Ronald Reagan, Olivia de Havilland, Roy Rog... more »ers, and many more.Contents: Abraham Lincoln
Starring Walter Huston, Helen Freeman, Ian Keith
(1930) Black and White 97 Minutes Not Rated
Directed by the legendary D.W. Griffith, this feature tells the tale of the United States sixteenth President from his birth to his assassination at the hands of John Wilkes Booth. Hearts in Bondage
Starring James Dunn, Mae Clarke, David Manners
(1936) Black and White 72 Minutes Not Rated (Violence)
This Civil War story centers on the events leading up to the fateful battle between the two ironclads, the Monitor and the Merrimac. The Arizona Kid
Starring Roy Rogers, George Gabby Hayes, Sally March
(1939) Black and White 54 Minutes Unrated
With this Western set in Missouri just prior to the Civil War, you find Roy and Gabby trying to keep the peace. It seems there are some Southern sympathizers who are terrorizing their fellow settlers who happened to side with the Union. Roy must find a way to maintain order and find a way to avoid hanging his best friend, a Southern loyalist. Colorado
Starring Roy Rogers, George Gabby Hayes, Pauline Moore
(1940) Black and White 54 Minutes Not Rated
It s the height of the Civil War, and Union troops are bogged down in Colorado dealing with local troubles. The Union dispatches Lieutenant Burke to look into things, and he discovers that a trouble maker named Macklin and his gang are at the root of the problems. Santa Fe Trail
Starring Errol Flynn, Ronald Reagan, Olivia de Havilland
(1940) Black and White 110 Minutes Not Rated
Recent West Point graduates and friends J.E.B. Stuart (Errol Flynn) and George Custer (Ronald Reagan) are beginning their careers in the military and are sent to Kansas to bring the peace in this pre-Civil War tale. Renegade Girl
Starring Ann Savage, Alan Curtis, Edward Brophy
(1946) Black and White 65 Minutes Not Rated
A Missouri family of Confederate sympathizers has been aiding the Confederate raiders operating in the area by providing valuable information about Union activities. A Union contingent, aided by a Native American guide with a grudge against the family, is given the hard task of tracking down the family and stopping them. The Proud Rebel
Starring Alan Ladd, Olivia de Havilland, Dean Jagger
(1958) Color 103 Minutes Not Rated
A Civil War veteran and his mute son look for a peaceful life in a small town. Soon he is forced to make some tough decisions concerning his welfare as well as that of his son. Drums in the Deep South
Starring James Craig, Barbara Payton, Guy Madison
(1951) Color 86 Minutes Not Rated (Violence)
In a classic tale of torn loyalties, the movie tracks the tale of two friends from West Point, who are now officers on opposing sides in the Civil War. Kansas Pacific
Starring Sterling Hayden, Eve Miller, Clayton Moore
(1953) Color 73 Minutes Not Rated (Violence)
Set prior to the start of the Civil War but after the South has seceded from the United States, Kansas Pacific centers on the efforts to build a railroad across Kansas toward the West Coast. Yellowneck
Starring Lin McCarthy, Stephen Courtleigh, Berry Kroeger
(1955) Black and White 73 Minutes Not Rated (Violence)
This story centers on five Yellownecks, deserters of the Confederate Army, who plan to escape to Cuba via the Florida Everglades.« less