American history is so much more than dates and documents it s the dynamic story of the real men and women, immigrants and Native Americans, who together built our country. Disney's The American Presidents is a fresh and r... more »elevant narrative (developed with a former producer of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report about the men who led this country through change and the lives they affected, from an early idea of democracy to our first African American President.
Each DVD includes short-form Presidential biographies, era overviews for historical context, and thematic segments such as The Making of the Presidency and We the People. The DVD content is based on National Curriculum Standards and features interviews with political luminaries such as Sam Donaldson, Wesley Clark, Paul Begala, Melissa Harris-Lacewell and many more. Try the interactive whiteboard content on every DVD it s an exciting, competitive game that uses video clips, photographs and quotes to test students understanding of the Presidents, their political positions, and why they matter in the American story.
This volume covers the 12th-25th presidents!« less