Discoverers of your childs interests!
naperaero | Naperville, IL USA | 09/11/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I purchased the discoverers for myself and subsequently had it shown for the whole family. It is VERY high quality production and if you have full Dolby 5.1 you will be rewarded with rich and wonderful sound effects.This DVD has 8 'topics' all professionally mastered. The whole family was stimulated by this educational tool. I wish it was a year long series that went deeper into each topic.Only negative - Although it is listed as 72 minutes, that includes all the behind the scenes pieces. The real event lasts only about 40 minutes.Have fun learning!"
Disjoint, unconnected and bad audio too!
naperaero | 05/14/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Not up to the normal standards of IMAX movies. The flow is a very disjointed and unconnected of random events. The audio is poor enough that even following what is there can be difficult. I normally love IMAX movies, but this one leaves a lto to be desired."
I "Discovered"... not to buy this.
TechShopper1 | Portland, OR | 01/17/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I didn't know there's such thing as a bad IMAX movie until I came across this.
A mediocre IMAX movie
Mountain Dewd | Pasadena, CA | 11/26/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"As many have said, this was not the best IMAX movie ever made.
I wanted a copy for myself because I have a 10 second cameo in this movie (am I vain?). I worked on the Magellan Venus Radar Mapper project at JPL, and helped generate the images that went into the simulated flight over the surface of Venus. This was probably the only part of the whole movie worth seeing. My coworkers and I were invited to see this movie at its first public showing at the IMAX theater in LA. I was blown away by the simulated flight segment, even though I had seen it many times before in our labs. Even so, I found it difficult to spend money on this weak piece of work.
With my apologies to Greg MacGillivray."