Dated and not as good as the other Rudy Ray Moore movies.
Movie Reviews
I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me.
scotbot | the Negative Zone | 03/29/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This film differs from the other two films in the Dolemite trilogy in that it is not really a Dolimite film. Rudy actually plays a cop-turned- disco DJ (you know how that's always happening) named Tucker whose hands-on approach to fighting the menace of angel dust is meant to entertain and enlighten us. But does it succeed in this lofty endeavor? In spite of all its best efforts, it does. Nearly incoherent dialog, bad acting and ghastly filmmaking all come together seamlessly to make this possibly the best example of why not to use drugs. For example, in one scene the Chief of Police, who has just spoken to an infuriated Tucker, picks up the phone to presumably make a call and then out of nowhere breaks the fourth wall to address the viewers with the following:
"There are only three things that could make him that mad, 'n one of them is to mess with his family. Gonna turn over every stone in this city to find the main man. When he does, all Hell's gonna break loose."
He then turns away from the camera and hangs up the phone neither telling us what the other two things were nor completing his call. It is choice scenes like this combined with roller dancing, slow motion kung-fu and excessive hallucination sequences that entertain you in ways that this film's makers could never have foreseen.
But this film does not let its electrifying dancing and relentless action obscure its deep message and indisputable humanity. In one scene, Tucker talks with the Chief of Police about his plans to "attack the whack".
"I don't get you", exclaims the chief.
Tucker pauses for some deep soul searching and offers the profound reply, "I don't get me either."
Dialog like that is unforgettable... unforgettable like that time when I went into the garden shed and hit my head on a wasp nest. I'll never forget that. At any rate, dialog like that flows naturally out of a story like this. Make no mistake; Rudy Ray Moore is unfettered by the restrictions of conventional storytelling, using techniques that sometimes thrill and surprise you and even threaten to alter your state of consciousness. I will not let loose any spoilers about the surprise ending, but let's just say that the ending, chock-full of irony and heavy stuff like that, will change your life forever. Or not.
Although I gave this only two stars, it deserves a few more if only for starring the ever charming Rudy Ray Moore. As a RRM film, it's simply not as good as his others. However, if you like bad films.... this one is well worth the effort... you'll get the best results by watching with friends."
Funnier Than Your Normal Public Service Announcement!
Danielle P. Bilton | 07/06/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ah, the 70's! The late Gene Siskel once reffered to it as "Hollywood's last golden era". After all, we were treated to such classics as "Star Wars", "Dirty Harry", "Annie Hall" and "The Disco Godfather". At least, in the 70's, they had enough cojones to call it the "Avenging Disco Godfather", but they also wore feathered hair. Comedian Rudy Ray Moore stars as a retired cop turned flashy disco owner, who avenges the near death of his nephew, by striking vengance on angel dust dealers. Part public service announcement, part Sam Pekkinpah gore fest, Moore hits the mean streets in a mean polyester suit and an anti-drug attitude (almost like a male version of Nancy Reagan). Along the way, he kung-fu karate chops men three times his size and beds hot women - also three times his size! This little squirt is one tough cookie, and it only makes the film that much more laughable. I'm honestly not sure if "Godfather" is supposed to be a comedy, but good lord is it funny! Filled with low-rate disco wannabe hits like "Shermanizing" (don't ask what that means - like the movie, just take it for face value)and hysterical pop culture plugs (drug dealers snort angel dust off the cover of a Saturday Night Fever Album cover!)"Godfather" will have you laughing from start to end. Just not intentionally. I think."
This "Godfather" should be "Wacked"!
bookaz | 09/18/1999
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Those of you bad pimpin', jive rat soup eatin' MF's will surely be disapointed in this DVD. The movie is a boring anti-drug preach-a-thon, with terrible moog music background noise. Brother Rudy stars as a Disco DJ, who's nephew gets hooked on angeldust, and OD's, so "Buck"(Rudy's character), avenges his nephew's death by taking on those who supply the dreaded drug! The movie only get's somewhat interesting in the last few scenes. Stay with the greats, "Dolemite", "Dolemite II", and "The Devil's Son-In-Law", If you lookin' to get your Rudy Ray Moore fix! as for this DVD, Let it sleep with the fishes!"
A Shermanizing Experience
bookaz | 05/24/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"SOme people slam this film but I offhand can't think of a funnier movie. How many other anti-drug movies end with a disco nightclub-owning cop battling a whip-weilding homosexual? Man, I don't know who won the Oscar that year but Rudy Ray Moore should have won it (especially when he reacts in pain to an object that hasn't even hit him yet). And've just gotta see it yourself, you're not really sure if it was intentional or they just kinda ran out of money. A bargain at any price."
Laughed so hard, made my side hurt.............
Danielle P. Bilton | Lakewood, CA United States | 08/02/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Man,lemme tell you. This movie is funny WITHOUT a beer. If you're expecting a high quality Soul Cinema picture, with somewhat decent resolution level & clarity ( i.e. Willie Dynamite, Shaft, etc ) this ain't it. The lighting in this movie is terrible ! LOL !!! The dialogue is muffled, the editing sucks and the acting is incredibly hilarious ( though it wasn't meant to be ). Like some of the other reviews attested, this mug is funny.
Just the first opening sequence alone had my eyes wide open in disbelief as Rudy Ray ( aka Tucker ) makes his entrance into his disco with a purple one piece polyester suit, low cut showing a bunch of spiders chillin' on his chest havin' a meetin, movin' his pelvic area around, dancin' like he's the hottest thing in town. I was rollin'. Then he goes and gets behind the DJ booth and starts playin' some tunes. His nephew Bucky is there with his girlfriend and some friends, and eventually leaves to go outside, when he's pressured by one of his friends to take some angel dust, which he does. His girlfriend sees the effect it has on him and runs back into the disco screamin' and cryin', when Rudy Ray says in a " terribly practiced tone " - " What has happened to Bucky !!!?" LOL !!!!!
Oh my goodness, I could go on and on about the terrible scenes in this movie, it's ridiculous.
This man can cuss so good it makes my side hurt. I mean, you'll laugh at the quality alone, but if you really wanna get hoarse from laughter, get some friends together, y'all take down a couple of beers and watch how easy the laughter rolls out. I guess i'm late into the game with this one since I just saw this movie for the first time, but I've heard Dolemite is alot funnier than this. I gave this movie 2 stars 'cause the writing sucked and the halucinations were prelonged, but besides that, I was pleased at how much this movie made me laugh."