Not better than team america as the box would lead you to b
Wiseguy 945 | Cedar Rapids, IA | 05/30/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I didn't love this film, but I didn't hate it. It has funny moments. It has some of the same crude humor as Team america, but just not as original and not so overexagerated. The main reason it doesn't stand out is that it is essentially Armmageddon retold with very Rauncy puppets. Team america at least had an original over-the-top incorperation of many of the action films story lines, but this was just one film, amageddon. Check it out, some good laughs, but I would recommend renting this one, and decide later weather or not to buy it."
What else do you have to do tonight??
Robert P. Bogdanski | Collin County, Tx | 03/10/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Do you like jokes that involve a priest having sex with little boys? You like violence? You like nudity? How about really bad Claymation? Well if you do this movie's for you!!! The jokes are predictable, and stupid. The plot, well it's been done before. The point, pointless. So why rent, buy, watch this movie? My question is why not? If you're reading this then you have somewhat of an interest in watching the movie. So watch the damn thing already. It goes good with a bad date you're trying to get rid of."