Do not buy this version, get the red sun one. I will explai
morgoth | omaha, NE | 05/29/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Now this is one of the best red sun releases there are. It is presented in a 16:9 format. And the film print has been restored 100%/ It is so beautiful. I am telling you, when you buy red sun release, MAKE SURE IT SAYS REMASTERED ON THE BOX. If it doesn't, it is non remastered, has imbedded subs, is full screened, etc. Every red sun release has been exceptable to me, but the remastered ones are seriously of the top 5 percentile fo my HUGE dvd collection. And if you are wonderign if it is good, look it up on here, most likely I have reviewed it and the red sun version they are showign too.
Now this movie is truly one of the best shaw productions ever. Great opening shaw white backround battle sequence. Wong Yue(not jimmy wang yu) and gordon liu are both in a brothel I would guess and keep both of the guys keep giving all the girls a ton of money in hopes to be with them all night. When Wong yue realizes that Gordon is the playboy he tries to fight him. What we realize is that gordon is the 14th prince? Sorry, can't remember what # of the emporer's line he is. So since gordon can't(won't) fight, wong yue beats him up anyway. Dirty Ho. I saw the title of this movie, and said WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it is surprisingly a fitting title. So wong yue gets into a little too much trouble(not like he hadn't caused any before), and gordon decides to take him on. He forces him to be his disciple and does this by making Dirty Ho think he is poisoned. So just before this we see that the 4th? prince has plans to kill his brother gordon. He doesn't want it to be known so he sends assasins. First up is Johhny Wang(lung fei) who invites him to a wine tasting event. This fight is one of the most brilliant I have ever seen put to the jade screen. Hsou Ho, who has played little monkey in "Mad Monkey Kung Fu" and Fong Sai Yuk in "Disciples of master Killer" is Johhny Wang's sidekick(waiter) and his acrobatics are on full display. Watching Gordon have to hide his skills whenever Dirty Ho is around is SUCH a pleasure. Finally at the midway point we get a twist. One that I wasn't expecting and didn't think it was going to work. But it turned out to be a great final fight and the arrow use was pretty unique I though for a movie like this. They have these Mongolian Archers in the back row who freaking jump over the front row archers already shooting arrows in mid air RIGHT after the front row archers shoot. It is just some more stunning choreography by Master Lau Kar Leung. Also unique to this is a group of very wierd vilians. A group comes over to fight wing yue and gordon and they are all just a bit on the wierd side. The first one is a guy who you punch all you can and he just takes it. The next guy is the biter, you can guess what he does. The next guy is bitter face and has a sad face and he bi*** slaps you until your face is cringed up like his. I won't tell you the rest but like I said, this classic has some VERY unique touches. Not evryday that you find a good MOVIE. Just like what he did in Shaolin mantis and Shaolin Challenges Ninja, Master Lau has proven to be the best kung fu director ever.
So the picture quality is absolutely perfecto. And the 2-channel classic dub job is very good too. Trailers include celestial's releases of Five Venoms, Crippled Avengers, and Mad Monkey Kung Fu. By the way, all these movies have been released by red sun. Just make sure it says remastered, cause if it does, then they DO NOT lie like ground zero or crash cinema does.
Cherish this movie people, it is one for adults, the children, everyone.
Do not buy this version
A. Logan | Chesapeake, VA United States | 06/06/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great movie, but we were unable to see the entire thing because the DVD skipped and stopped toward the end. Unfortunately, it is past the date when we can return the product to Amazon and I can't find any information on how to contact the manufacturer about this. We're calling it a loss and have ordered the Red Sun version from an independant seller."