"First I will say this video is fun in it's way. I like the routines and the upbeat feel of the video but I was disappointed with the length and number of songs chosen. I was under the impression I was going to get at the very least a good 30 minute workout but this video doesn't deliver. It says on the package:
"Love Man" 12 mins
"Yes" 13 mins
"Johnny's Mambo" 14 mins
"Do you love me" 12 mins
"Saturday Night Dance Challenge" 11 mins.
I have tried running all the routines and this is only about 13 mins. Also if you try running each routine separately they are only about 2-4 mins long each. I have to do all the routines twice to get a good workout. It's really not very fun to go through it twice. :(
My other gripe with this video is that no matter if you are using a DVD player or your computer there is no way to skip all of the "warnings" and the stupid little intro telling you do do the syllabus first. One time is fine.
I wouldn't wast my money on this. You are better off getting one of the Yoga Booty Ballet videos or even Ti bo"
Great Fun Dance Video-Excellent Instruction
Mer | Juneau, AK | 01/07/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I own many dance DVD's and this one will definitely be one of my favorites. The instruction is excellent, and the fun factor is makes it very appealing! This one's a keeper!Tracey Mallet is an experienced cuer and makes it all come together. Also there is a male instructor who is very easy to follow and is a great cuer. This is organized very well, and sectioned out in chapters. I would definitely recommend this to beginner or intermediate."
Really fun!
AZMish | Tucson, AZ | 09/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this DVD. I've tried "exercise" dance DVDs before, and the instruction parts moved so slowly that I didn't get any sort of workout at all. Not the case here. The instruction keeps you constantly moving, giving you a good workout, but is done in a way that makes it rather easy to learn. There are a few steps that are tricky, but most steps are easy to master. A previous reviewer commented that the time listed for each routine was misleading - the time is for the instruction; not the actual dance. The instruction for each routine is 11-14 minutes, while the completed routines are 3-4 minutes each. I love dancing, and this is so fun that I completely forget I'm exercising. I would not recommend this for those of you working with really small workout spaces."
Too little instruction, fun moves
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 11/02/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
Great production, stage, lighting, sound
Good choice of dance moves
Tracy Mallet has great cueing & tries to be energetic
Music in the short dance mode is the real thing
8 backup dancers
Breaking up the instruction routine portion from the dance routine portion as well as putting all the 4 diff styles into two different big routines
Instructional portions are way too fast, they rarely show any moves in less then 3/4 speed & only a few times before moving on
Most times on anything but basic moves, even the backup dancers don't do the moves anywhere that it's suppose to be
Barely break down moves, and spend more time teaching marches then complicated moves
Barely teach any moves 2x before putting it into the routine
Johnny doesn't know the moves in the routines he didn't teach
Once they get a routine going in the instruction portions or dance routine part, it's very sloppy forms
Cuing or transition to the next move in a routine is poor, most dancers didn't even know always.
Repetition of some moves, silly bunny hops in one routine.
Tracy & Johnny literally read from cue cards on the "chatting" time & seems stilted
Only does a portion of the real songs from the movie soundtrack during the 3-4 min dance routine
Music for instructional portions is a bit too bland, why couldn't they use the same songs in it's entirety?
This could have been a great dance workout dvd. But it seems they rushed the production considering the bad/stilted chatting, bad form, rushed instruction, etc. All they had to do was allow more practice for the dancers & instructors/hosts & more dance instruction. Having one do the same move many times before moving on is a GREAT workout in itself, without needing a perfect routine. If they want to keep the heart rate up, going only 1/2 times several times & many times on normal speed is the best way. Those who know the moves can easily go full speed when half is taught.
With all the over 100 latin, hip-hop, hula, belly dance instructional/workouts I've rented/owned, I still had trouble with this except on moves I did already know & even then I was shocked on how little time they spent teaching before moving on.
Video clips of different areas of the workout at collagevideo com
Youtube clips:
Cal Pozo & John promoting the workout on Todayshow "Dirty Dancing workout"
portion of one of the extended all 4 routines in 1 workout - "Dirty Dancing - The Official Workout""
Fun, but somewhat lacking
Danielle L. Giguere | Mendon, VT | 02/08/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD was fun, but is more of a dance instruction DVD than a workout DVD. It does not include any warm up or cool down and stretching which to me is its biggest disadvantage. The instructors are good and go over the moves well, plus there is a step guide if you need more instruction. The DVD is set up so you learn each dance individually and then can do all the dances back to back in a separate section of the DVD. The moves are fun and challenging enough to get you sweating, however you need to do all of the routines about 3 times through to get a decent cardio workout - but it's fun, a good burn. I love the movie, and this was a gift from my husband because he knows I love to dance. It is definitely a cute tribute to the movie - not the best workout DVD I own, but it's a fun alternative to just getting on the elliptical."