Join the coolest kids and their Digimon-crazy digivolving digital monsters -- in their fight to save DigiWorld from evil. As they travel through mysterious lands, it's one awesome battle after another against the most terr... more »ible monsters in the whole wide digital universe! It's complete Digi-action! Plus 8 hilarious "Digibloopers" -- available only on this DVD. Don't miss a Digi second!« less
"Hey I thought that the DVD was really good. For a cartoon generally meant for kids I think that the show is very enjoyable and funny too. I bought the dvd because I missed almost the entire first season and really started to watch in season 2 so I thought that this would help me get all up to speed on how the series began. It did, but I was dissapointed to see it IS NOT THE WHOLE FIRST SEASON! Its only the first 13 episodes and does not contain some of the episodes listed in the ad on this website. It actually has these: So it begins, the birth of Greymon, Garurumon, biomon gets firepower, kabuterimons electro shocker, togemon in toy town, ikkakumons harpoon torpedo, evil shows his face, sub zero ice punch, a clue from the digi past, the dancing digimon, digibaby boom, and finally the legend of the digidestined. This dvd DOES NOT include the Episodes: Wizzardmons gift, prophecy, or battle for earth, if you want those you have t by he VHS Volume 4. I do think you should buy this dvd if you love the show or want to get familliar with how it all began. There are some cool battles however the best shows are the ones that cne after. If you mainly like te battle and action sequences of the show Id gowth the VHS Volume 4: The digidestined Child and Volume 5: The battle with piedmon. Also a warning all these tapes end in cliff hangrs that have No reolution unless you taped the shows that follow off TV. If not like m you will e kinda dissapointed that there is no tape or DVD yet that fills the gaps between Volumes. Thats the only downside."
Probably The Best Underrated Series
Carl Cheng | Sunnyvale, CA USA | 02/18/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When it first came out, I was skeptical. I did think it was going to be a Pokemon clone as many other type shows were coming out. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Now with the show spanning four seasons (with only the first two connecting), it makes me appreciate more the greatness that is Digimon. I have to admit that the new seasons just do not live up to my enjoyment of the first two seasons. I felt it had better flow, better depth, and much better characters. The whole cast was very likeable and whether that was due to Saban's part in casting great voices or not, I commend them with that. It is sad to not be able to hear the Japanese counterpart or see it un-edited but it is understandable and I will take what I can get.More about the show. The first series starts out with seven kids at a summer camp: Tai (Taichi), Izumi (Izzy), Sora, Jo, Mimi, Matt (Yamato), and his brother TK (Takeru). Unknownst to them but that was where they would embark on a journey of epic proportions (to be cliche). They see these lights sparkling in the sky like the aurora borealis and then they get their digivices, mysterious handheld machines that help them with their digimons' evolutions and get transported to the Digital World. They all land in slightly different places and waiting for them were their own respective Digimon. They got no time to rest as one mean digimon was there to put pressure on them. The series goes on with MANY plot twists, new evolutions, and amazing themes of courage and friendship. It might seem cliche and cheesy but it really touched me and it was all done in a very ingenious way.What compelled me to write this review was seeing that others shared my view on digimon. I really hope what people get out of this review is to at least try watching the series. Rent or borrow this DVD, watch the new episodes on TV on UPN (season 4), which shows some promise. Though now that it seems that nothing is going on DVD, much less any home release, I feel a need to buy this DVD finally so that I can indulge in the nostalgia once again, .. and actually many times more."
This is how you do TV on DVD.
Jonathan Hunt | Westport, MA USA | 01/31/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"With television shows like Pokemon offering 3 episodes for $24.98, and Shows like X-Files, Star Trek and so on offering typically less for $17.98, it is refreshing to see that Saban is properly distributing its programs on DVD as they should be distributed: Inexpensively and abundantly. It is unherd of even in anime circles to procure 13 episodes at this price of any series.As if that wasn't enough, the series is generally very enjoyable, dispite Saban's best attempt to "jazz it up" with cruddy american title music. It remains true to its anime heritage with good animation, action-packed story lines and enjoyable, deep charcters. Also, its not Pokemon, nor is it a rip off of Pokemon. Pokemon is a low-speed, viturally actionless show with good moral content (just look at how many seasons Ash and Misty have been falling in love). Pokemon definetly has very childish feel to it. Digimon, on the other hand is chock-full of action, emotion, and could be enjoyed by just about anyone.Let's just hope that this trend will continue. I would love to see season two at this price. I would even pay more for it, but if Saban gives up, there may be no more Digimon DVDs, never mind ones that are an awesome value.Only time will tell."
Great series not just for children
C | Ohio, USA | 05/17/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well first I wanted to say that i looked at the editorial review and noticed the huge hole between the episodes, however when i got my dvd it was in fact the first 13 episodes and not the ones which were listed above. After Subero Ice Punch were: A clue from the digi-past, The dancing digimon, Digibaby boom, and The legend of the digidestined. As a college student and a fan of digimon i was very pleased with the amount of shows and the great price! If you plan on buying digimon episodes ever, take advantage of this deal because it is very rare to find 13 episodes of any series for 20 dollars. I hope they will actually release more episodes on DVD the way they did with these, without cutting out the middle of the 1st season as was done with the VHS episodes. Overall, great show for young and old (more of an anime show than childrens cartoon), the dvd had a menu system easy enough for anyone to navigate, and it's a chance to see how it all started if, like me, you missed the 1st season til it was in reruns. Great buy!"
Digimon The TV Series
AD | On Earth | 11/15/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Digimon was one of the most spectacular television shows to hit markets. It completed three series and is now on a fourth. However, unlike the Poke' Mon show, Digimon is not about capturing creatures and placing them into battle. Rather it's about a war between a computer generated Artifical Intelegence which takes the form of DIGIMON or those little Giga-Pets or Tamagachi. The true magic in Digimon is not the battles themselves, but the adventure leading the Digi-Destined(Children who posses the challenge to save the Digital World and their own world. It's heart warming and heartbreaking. In this volume it shows the first 13 episodes, but Digimon didn't heat up until Genai (the wise one). The children also have a task to become bigger and better people by fullfilling a purpose witten upon their tags and crests.(not in this volume) My only hope is that they complete the series onto DVD continuing with Etemon, Myotismon, Dark Masters, and the true worth of Digimon Apoclamon.
The theatrical release will seem like a mere show and tell of digimon when you compare it to the original TV series. I just can't wait until the Digimon 03 series release. That was the best season there ever was and ever will be."