Long ago in the Digital World, a crisis occurred that almost destroyed it. However, a group of ten Digimon, called the Ten Legendary Warriors, sacrificed themselves to save the Digital World. Peace soon followed due to the... more » governmen by three Celestial Digimon. However, this did not last forever, as Cherubimon, one of the three Celestial Digimon, shattered the peace and declared war. There was hope, though, as the spirits of the Ten Legendary Warriors were to be reincarnated to save the endangered Digital World once more. Complete strangers to each other Takuya, JP, Koji, Zoe and Tommy receive a mysterious message on their cell phones prompting them to rendevous at the train station. This chance encounter soon lands them into a new world where they find themselves as the receipients of the reincarnated spirits and now face the task of saving the Digital World. Contains 5 Discs« less