Dieux du stade 2009 dvd: making of the calendar
bigboyone | johnson city , tn | 03/11/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"as with the 2008 disc, NO FRONTAL NUDITY,even by the star players that did it in 2007. otherwise, some really nice, sexy men. some didn't even bother to get nude at all. lots and lots of behinds shown, but that's about it. the last nudity year was the 2007 dvd."
Amos Lassen | Little Rock, Arkansas | 03/24/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
""Dieux du Stade 2009: The Making of the Calendar
Amos Lassen
The DVD of the making of the "Dieux du Stade" calendar is like a rite of spring. We know it is coming and we wait for it and we are generally disappointed. The 2008 DVD was not as good as the 2007 and the 2007 was not as good as the 2006. Actually since the first in 2005, the quality has gone down.
This year's photographers tended to overexpose some parts of the models' bodies especially the handsome faces and the lighting caused the men to have a washed out look. In fact, what there is all looks rather mechanical minus the human interaction that once went along with the movies Also, the same background was used for almost all of the shoots so the entire thing became boring,
I am sorry that was not a success and it is not because there is no frontal nudity. What is missing is a lack of sensuality. The French are great looking men but they seem to be completely ill at ease with what is going on. Some of the men are very sexy and if you like rear views then this is for you. I found it tedious.
H. Lines | 03/14/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Again, I was looking forward to the 2009 edition, hoping it would be better than the 2008 edition, but this one is even more disappointing. I don't know how they chose the photographers. Being a photographer myself I was shocked at the amount of over exposure on parts of the bodies, especially the faces. This extreme lighting caused many of the men who have been handsome in the past, to look tired and washed out. There is almost no humor in the models faces as they do these poses, and because all the shoots are done in front of the same background, it eventually becomes very boring. The use of various locations in past editions was more interesting and the models seemed to be having fun, here some of the models look very uncomfortabe and afraid. By far, the best edition has been 2007 and yes, it did contain full frontal nudity in a very natural way. Here there is no frontal nudity. Some of the costume choices are really stupid such as a man's suit coat on a nude body...none of these work nor are they sensuous. This series may have finally bottomed out...a better choice for purchase is the Australian Football Players DVD based on their calendar. Taking the French players out of a more masculine, stadium, industrial setting is not working. Pass on this edition. This may be the last one I buy."
Too many balls and not enough guys
Stargazer | 11/04/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have to agree with some of what has been already said of this year's Dieux Du Stade installment: it is boring. I would say this one is equal to 2006's entry as being way too conservative and not very captivating.The move once again to a studio setting is rather bland and the photoshoots are themselves very briefly shown. These segments as presented herein are perhaps the most quickly shown in the entire Dieux Du Stade series. You get maybe one brief backside glimpse, then the rest is of a rather akward photography session that mostly lacks any kind of erotisism or fun. There's even one weird photoshoot featuring two naked twin brothers grappling each other. Many of the athletes cover up too much even for my standards (I don't always complain when there is no frontal nudity), with rugby balls in place of, well, the real stuff.That is not to say there aren't some good shots here - there are - but they are few. The standout piece is a three athlete photoshoot where the trio engage in some fun naked playfullness with two resting their heads against each other and one blowing a kiss to the other. Really cute. The DVD is mostly again in black and white and features the same kind of standard classical music and "special feature" (selected shots of all the men set to that classical music).Also presented is the annoying no skipping back feature where you can only go forward each chapter, and if you miss a guy you have to go back to the menu and select him, or start all over again.Really, this year's entry is skippable itself and I would rather recommend picking up the Gods of Football calendar making of DVD, as what was presented there is what should have been presented here. Hopefully the competition between both the Dieux Du Stade and Gods of Football series will bring about every year being a stellar one. Until next year..."