If you like Troma movies you'll like this.
Shirley Gilliland | Spokane, WA | 03/10/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Die You Zombie Bastards is a really dumb movie. I am a member of that group of people who truly enjoy dumb humor. There are some laugh aloud parts that I can't mention here because they would ruin the movie but trust me, they are hilarious. Don't watch this movie thinking it is a horor movie, because it's not. There is only one scene that is sort of stomach turning, the rest is pure camp. The only one that can act their way out of a paper bag is the female lead. The rest of the actors ham it up like they were sniffing helium. If you enjoyed such Troma movies as Class of Nuke 'Em High or The Killer Condom, this movie is for you. If you think those kind of movies are dumb, run, don't walk away from this one."
ribcage | Lantana, Florida United States | 10/28/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"DIE YOU ZOMBIE BASTARDS! is all about yelling, violence, and nudity, right in line with all those troma movies(Lloyd Kaufman even manages a voice cameo). We've got a crazy serial killer couple split up by a South Park-esque super villain who plans to turn everybody into zombies. This sends our man Red on a trek all across the world(on a geographically bizarre map) to fight zombies and hear about stories of weird Bahamaian hunters and Swedish cheese demons and all sorts of great things like that.
And there's dogmen. If you love dogmen, just get this already. You can't go wrong with dogmen. Not werewolves. Dogmen. If you think the idea of dogmen isn't so great, then definitely don't buy this film.
The humor's great and never lets up, it's constantly bizarre, and there's plenty of messiness and nudity to satisfy you if that's the sort of thing you demand of your ridiculous movies."
It's actually kind of funny...
Robert P. Beveridge | Cleveland, OH | 06/23/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Die You Zombie Bastards! (Caleb Emerson, 2005)
One of the late Jamie Gillis' attempts to break into the mainstream came with Night of the Zombies in 1981. It is such an unrelentingly bad movie that I find it amazing anyone ever cast him in another one. And yet, Gillis' final film role is, yes, in a zombie movie. I grant you, it's a zombedy, which is a much better fit for Gillis than the hardboiled-detective-horror-flick that was Night of the Zombies, but still, you gotta wonder. At least, you gotta wonder until you start looking farther into the cast list.
Die You Zombie Bastards! is the third installment in the ongoing tale of Red (Tim Gerstmar), a serial killer, and his lovely wife Violet (Pippi Zornoza). In this installment, an evil genius, Baron Nefarious (Geoff Mosher, who previously worked with Emerson on Toxic Avenger IV), is raising an army of the undead to do his bidding. Nefarious falls in love with Violet and kidnaps her, sending Red on a globe-trotting trip to hunt her down before Nefarious can recruit her into his army of zombies.
Now, let's get this straight: if you don't like bad movies, you need to avoid this like the plague. I mean, come on, Red wears a superhero outfit made of human skin (with added red long johns and a pair of yellow waders). Hasil Adkins makes an appearance as himself. (He died not long after filming completed, and the movie is dedicated to him.) Red finds himself in a Swedish village containing no men. Lloyd Kaufman hosts a game show called "Swap Mate". You know what you're getting into before you even start. Or you should, anyway. This is not classic cinema by any means. But surprisingly, it's actually pretty funny; the script, from Emerson and Haig Demarjian, has some solid comic timing, and while you might feel guilty laughing at some of the jokes, they'll still raise a chuckle. Surprisingly, not released by Troma (Image Entertainment nabbed this one), and with the exception of Poultrygeist, is better than anything Troma's done in decades. Check it out if you're looking for a stupid way to kill a few hours. **
Bad zombie movie, good Troma movie
Melkor | San Diego, CA USA | 05/19/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
""Die You Zombie Bastards!" (2005) is the latest film I've seen in my Sisyphean effort to review every zombie movie ever made. "Die You Zombie Bastards!" is distributed by Troma Entertainment. For those who recognize that name, you can probably stop reading the review now. That's all you need to know. You either like Troma, or you don't. For those who don't recognize that name, movies that are made or distributed by Troma tend to be terribly written, have ridiculously fake effects, are unapologetically raunchy, and filled with gratuitous sex. If someone buys a movie with the Troma logo on it, then they should not be surprised that the movie has any or all of the qualities that I listed. "Die You Zombie Bastards!" is no disappointment. It had all of those qualities, and more. Simply put, the plot is about a serial killer who is searching for his girlfriend who was kidnapped by zombies. The zombies are under control of a giant phallused prehistoric-fish-alien-thing, Baron Nefarious. Or were the fish and the Baron two different characters? Not that the plot really matters in this movie.
Now to get down to my typical zombie review. What strain of zombie are these "Zombie Bastards"? You know that green alien lady from the classic Star Trek? That's kind-of what the Zombie girls look like...only more naked. The zombie boys are pretty much the same. People in green grease paint and wigs. They are transformed into zombies and are controlled by Baron Nefarious. The makeup is pretty bad, and the zombies are fairly harmless, so they get a meek zombie rating of 3/10.
There is a lot of gore in the movie, mostly played for comedic value. Someone went overtime with the latex and rubber cement. The "hero" wears a demented superhero outfit, with a cape made out of human flesh, and a belt with the center bit being some male genitals. Various bodily fluids are sent flying throughout the movie. It's all really fake looking, but it's sort-of meant to be that way. This film gets a zombie gore score of 7/10.
This is a Troma film, so it had more than it's fair share of the zombie movie gratuitous sexism and nudity. The zombie women are topless most of the time. On the hero's journey to find his girlfriend, he encounters a field of Swedish women, an all girl bar, and a girl administering herself pain in the background of a weird Jamaican guy's apartment 6/10.
"Die You Zombie Bastards!" is a bit slow and repetitive at points. The plot is not very consistent, but it isn't really trying to be. It's more the type of film where the viewer is supposed to sit back and enjoy the idiocy. Although I realized that, I still found myself reaching for the remote to hit the FF button more than once. On the boredom scale (0 being insomnia curing, 10 being '78 Dawn of the Dead) this movie gets a 6/10.
The dialogue in the movie is really awful. Once again, this is not a surprise when someone buys a Troma film, but even for Troma this dialogue is bad. The acting is even worse. It's that type of acting where all the performers know how bad the script is, so they go out of their way to perform is as awfully as they can. This movie gets a 3/10 for having a bad "even by Troma standards" zombie movie dialog. +1 point for a great soundtrack that has the required zombie synthesizer, and even some songs by Paul Leary of the Butthole Surfers.
Overall, "Die You Zombie Bastards!" gets a slightly below average 4/10 in my Zombie movie scale. It's probably not worth buying for the hardcore zombie fiend, unless you really like the Troma type of movie. It might be worth renting for the more casual undead movie fan, but by no means a necessary watch for a hardcore zombie movie purist. Considering the film, not on my Zombie scale; rather using a Troma scale, I would probably give this movie a 7/10.