CINEMA PARADISO meets WINGS OF DESIRE in this fantastical and hopelessly romantic film. Dario Grandinetti (TALK TO HER) stars in this startling, mind-bending romantic drama from Argentina's master of magical realism, direc... more »tor Eliseo Subiela (DARK SIDE OF THE HEART, MAN FACING SOUTHEAST). Grandinetti stars as Leopoldo, a lonely film projectionist who has invented a machine to record his dreams. Through a series of odd events, Leopoldo discovers that he is the reincarnation of one of the inventors of cinema, and that a woman he sees in his dreams is his eternal companion on a trip through the centuries.« less
Sebastian Fernandez | Tampa, Florida United States | 02/19/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It is uplifting to see so many Argentinean movies from the 90s come out on DVD in the US, since this provides a good alternative to those people interested in watching something different from the usual Hollywood productions. "Don't die without telling me where you are going" is one of the most renowned Latin American movies of its decade and one in which Dario Grandinetti shows what he is capable of in terms of his acting skills.
The film starts with images from a long time ago, in which a man named William is trying to invent a machine to allow people to see each other's dreams. William's boss was Thomas Edison and the dream machine became what we currently know as the camera. Shortly after that we are transported to the Argentina of the present where we meet Leopoldo (Dario Grandinetti), who works in a run-down movie theatre where he is in charge of the projection booth. The owners are planning to sell the theater before they have to face bankruptcy, and as a result Leopoldo will likely lose his job. But he is not too worried, since his real interest is in a project in which he works on his free time: a collector of dreams. The idea is to capture the individual's brain waves and transform them into images, which can then be recorded and watched the next morning.
Leopoldo is married, has the habit of walking everywhere with Anita, his plant, and dreams of his success in his special project. And one day he does it! He records his dreams and realizes that he is in love with a woman that he has never seen before. Shortly after that, Rachel (Mariana Arias) appears in the theater as a spirit, calling him William. She explains that they used to be married and live in New Jersey in their previous life, but while he reincarnated as Leopoldo, she decided not to reincarnate after her death.
The original idea used in the film is enough to make it special, but once you add the expert depiction of the human emotions and the message of hope it delivers, the result is a movie that is clearly among the best of its era. Even Mariana Arias grants a good performance in her first appearance on the big screen. She was one of the most famous Argentinean models of the past decade, and as most of you probably know, when a model starts to act, the results are usually not very encouraging. But in this case, the outcome is not bad at all. The movie also provided me with the chance of seeing for a few minutes the actor that in my opinion is the leader of its generation, Leonardo Sbaraglia, and even in that brief amount of time he shows what he is made of.
I encourage all those people that have not been exposed to Latin American movies, to give this film a chance. I am sure that you will come back for more! - 4.5 stars
No te mueras sin decirme a donde vas
D. Robles | 01/18/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It is one of the best films of Eliseo Subiela. He knows how to direct a movie, a beautifull, romantic, extraodinary film. A beautifull pieace of art. Eliseo shows you how love has no time and no place, even what we know as death it is not powerfull enoughto stop a love of centuries... if you like surrealism movies these is a must."
Crossing dimensions...of love...
LGwriter | Astoria, N.Y. United States | 10/31/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Eliseo Subiela, the director of this film, is the great South American cinematic fabulist, having also made Man Facing Southeast (still waiting for that to appear on DVD) and The Dark Side of the Heart. Here, he creates characters who "span time" (to use the great expression from Buffalo '66), similar to the theme of the Christopher Reeve film Somewhere in Time.
But in Don't Die Without Telling Me Where You Are Going, Subiela transcends the American film considerably and that's because the main character here, Leopoldo, is directly involved in CREATING the woman of his dreams rather than, as is the case with the Christopher Reeve character in Somewhere in Time, being the passive recipient of fate that brings him when chance permits to his eternal love.
In addition, Subiela wisely and directly connects this active bridging of dimensions with cinema itself. Leopoldo is a film projectionist in a second-rate movie theater in, one presumes, Buenos Aires, that shows old and new films both. His dreams pervade the film--another difference between this and the American film--commencing with a vision of a young man working long ago with Thomas Edison who creates a device to project images--the kinetiscope, which was really the first movie projector.
When the love of his life appears in one of his dreams--Leopoldo has analogously created a device to record and view his dreams--she reveals herself as the wife of the young man, who is (or was) Leopoldo himself, now the reincarnated version of the young man.
This beautiful magic realist film penetrates right to the core of romanticism and brings to the viewer the essence of love cinematically. Love, says Subiela, is the dream we cannot live without, the dream we create in our real day to day lives to transcend what we know every day and live beyond that everyday life. Love, he says in this film, is both the real and the fantastic--both are represented here, as Leopoldo's wife of 20 years and his eternal love who speaks to him as a spirit of his long past.
His wife is a dyed in the wool realist who, because she loves her husband, tolerates his eccentric ways (he carries a plant with him wherever he goes--an entity that, we come to realize, he needs to prove to himself that his feelings generate vibrations which the plant responds to; his wacky dream machine he connects to a fedora). The whimsy of the dream machine in the fedora is a great touch and subtly recalls life from decades past when things were simpler and quieter and, we feel from Leopoldo's character, more heartfelt.
Leopoldo's friend, Oscar, is another inventor and this is another excellent story device; the two men can bounce ideas off each other, again giving this film much more substance in the realm of bridging the real and the fantastic than Somewhere in Time. Oscar has invented a robot and is initially skeptical of the results of Leopoldo's invention. But once he sees Raquel, Leopoldo's eternal love, he begins to change his mind...
This is a great film, full of beauty and mysticism, echoing the depths of the heart. Highly recommended.
"Those Images Will Be There Forever" ~ Finding Your Soul Mat
Brian E. Erland | Brea, CA - USA | 03/27/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What do you get when you blend the talents of visionary director Eliseo Sbiela, the evocative music of Pedro Aznar and a multi-layered, profound storyline combining a heart wrenching love story and one man's quest for meaning all explained with a New Age understanding of the spiritual nature of all things? Why you get `Don't Die Without Telling Me Where You Are Going', one of the most unique, enjoyable and thought provoking viewing experiences I've had in a long time.
This '95 film from Argentina took me completely by surprise. It's an amazing work of art; haunting, evocative, imaginative, romantic, melancholy, intelligent and ultimately hopeful and positive. While essentially a love story, the movie also has elements of reincarnation, plant consciousness, auras and karmic concerns spread throughout the storyline. Some viewers may be dissuaded from watching for fear of indoctrination into such beliefs, but let me say that their presence is essential and so expertly done that these concepts flow naturally with the script and will not strike the audience as be aberrant or preachy in any way.
I experienced the strangest, almost spooky sensation several times while watching this film. It was as though it wasn't a film at all but a dream within a dream. I was asleep dreaming that I was watching a dream on television. That's about as close as I could get to describing the feeling. This sensation primarily overshadowed me during the black and white segments showing events from the past lives of the main characters. The sequence showing departed souls moving towards the light as they prepare to reincarnate was magnificently done. It's an image I don't think I'll ever forget.
Needless to say I was spellbound from beginning to end. Leopoldo (Dario Grandinetti) and Rachel (Mariana Arias) deliver superb performances as the two eternal soul mates constantly in search of each other from one lifetime to the next. I had never heard of Mariana Arias before but she is definitely on my list of favorites now. She's absolutely beautiful."
Are you there?
E. A Solinas | MD USA | 05/03/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What if you had a great, timeless love, who found you again in every lifetime? What if dreams were like radio transmissions to the soul, awakening what our brains can't remember?
Those are the messages of "Don't Die Without Telling Me Where You Are Going," an exquisite mixture of magical realism and a deep love story. Eliseo Subiela did a brilliant job spinning up a movie full of lingering, haunting imagery, as well as an ode to the cinema, dreams -- and how love can bring meaning to anyone's life.
Leopoldo (Darío Grandinetti) has a dull job at a failing theatre, a fretful wife, and a pet plant called Anita. But at night he works on his "dream collector," and on the night he first gets it to work, he captures a dream of a beautiful woman playing the piano, stirring feelings of passionate love. And the woman magically appears in the theatre the next day -- a spirit named Rachel (Mariana Arias) who says that he was her husband in a past life.
Bewitched by Rachel, and the tales of the life they once lived together, Leopoldo spends most of his time listening to her, and exploring the mysterious abilities of the dream collector -- it's allowing him to see the spirits of the dead, who haven't been reborn. And through Rachel, he explores the limits of life, rebirth, and a love that can't be broken even by death.
Everybody gets bogged down at some point, in a life that seems dreary and mundane. Some people never escape it. But Eliseo Subiela shows us one man's journey beyond that drab existance -- real, timeless, selfless love can drag us up and give us meaning that nothing ever had before.
Most movies can't pack as much into their story as "Don't Die..." manages to -- it touches on God, reincarnation, true love, the origins of cinema, and a robot that prays and sings. Despite being so full, the story seems exquisitely simple. Subiela fills the screen with lots of pale light, sepia-toned flashbacks and quiet conversations.
And he brings us beautifully understated moments like Rachel wandering through a hospital nursery, wistfully asking a newborn Leopoldo, "Are you there?" But the highlight is when we see what reincarnation looks like: hundreds of spirits, of all ages and cultures, walking eagerly towards the light of rebirth. Even if you don't believe in reincarnation, it's a lovely sight.
Grandinetti does an understatedly brilliant job as a humble projectionist who eagerly follows his dreams, and is trying to sort out what Rachel tells him. He grows more expressive and sweet throughout the movie, and you find yourself yearning to see him find some happiness. And Arias is a perfect mixture of wisdom, playfulness, and sorrow, and she can convey more in a twist of her neck than most actresses can with their whole bodies.
"Don't Die Without Telling Me Where You're Going" is a bittersweet gem, a beautiful ode to love, death and the art of moviemaking. A must-see, for anyone who's longed to find that distant "someone.""