The Ultimate Shaw Bros. Movie
l0829 | Horseheads, NY United States | 03/03/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What can I say? I'm a fool thinking that I was a true fan of the old school Venom/Shaw Bros. movies without ever even seeing The Invincible Pole Fighters, until today. The Invincible Pole Fighters is hands down the definitive Shaw Bros. Kung Fu Flick. I thought the Master Killer was Gordon Liu's best movie, until today. This movie has awesome action, a cool plot, the late Fu Sheng, Gordon Liu, and a cameo by the Kung Fu King himself Liu Chia Liang(director)! Kudos to Venom Mob Films for bring this rare flick out to the public and for noting on the packaging that it's a video transfer. Ground-Zero films should take lessons from the Venom Mob. Hey any chance of this flick being released remastered and uncut?"
morgoth | omaha, NE | 06/30/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a unique movie. It starts off with a very serious Lily Li getting a message in her thoughts that only 6 out of her 7 sons will return from a battle with some Mongolians. Instead, only brother #6 returns (Alexander Fu Sheng). He comes back insane after seeing all of his brothers die. It was a bit disturbing for me as well. Hsiao Ho, Lau Kar Wing, Wong Yue and 2 other Yang brothers all bite the dust before the movie ever really starts. Luckily, Yang #5 (Gordon Liu) makes it out alive and goes to study at Shaolin Temple. That is all I will tell about the story, you just have to experience it for yourself. A true Shaw Brothers classic. The use of sets only may turn some people off, but they are beautiful sets and any Shaws fan will not have a problem with this. Also, if you love hand to hand, there is a slight chance you will not like this wonderful movie. It is all pole fighting, no hand to hand. Only get this if you want to see some of the best stick work ever. Even Lily Li gets about 2 minutes to show off. And just like a lot of Lau kar Leung's other films, this is a true Shaolin movie, and the Shaolin pole techniques are on full display. Their skills in pole fighting are a big reason why the Emperor favored them and why Shaolin became what it is today.
If you are a fan of The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, you may like this movie even more. Not as many training scenes, but some awesome Gordon Liu action.
You need good villains in kung fu movies and luckily Johnny Wang Lung Wei is in this. The other 2 main baddies are acceptable. Philip Kao Fei also stars in a very memorable role as the head abbot.
Even though this movie had to be drasticly changed because of Fu Sheng's death during the time of filming, it is amazingly still a masterpiece in just about every way.
Another one of the last Shaw films, and another one of the very best. Sad to see they had to close up when they had all of these megastars on hand to make great movies like this.
One more note- I was not expecting this high of a death total in a Lau Kar Leung movie. He usually stays away from the violence. Well, "usually" is the key word here because I counted well over a 100 total deaths (you have to watch very close). The poles get very bloody. :)
Another masterpiece from Master Lau. I can't say enough about how much I enjoyed this.
Invincible (edited) pole fighter
matt | Lakewood, ca USA | 11/26/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"WHY, WHY, WHY?!? Why must they edit what is quite possibly THE GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME, period. I don't understand. They'll let us see a guy get half his face sliced off, but cut a very powerful scene in which the elder Yang commits suicide(by doing a 3-story-high, double flip into a flying, brain-exploding headbut on top of what I guess to be the Yang family monument, double-flips back down to the ground and dies on his feet) rather than surrender to the mongols! Despite the foul editing, this movie is so tight that it is virtually unruinable and still worthy of 5+ stars and the 12 or 13 bucks it costs.
Believe me, from the clever beginning [7 leave, 6 return(s)] to the wicked, bloody end, and excellent, intense, martial arts action from ear to ear, this flick surpasses even the Five Deadly Venoms and Master Killer.
starring Gordon "master killer" Liu, Fu Sheng, Wong Lung Wei
directed by Liu Chia Liang.
Definitely deserves your attention."
62nd assasin | Vegas | 04/24/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Eight Diagram Pole Fighter is definitely one of the best of all-time. Its in my top 5. The pole fighting in this movie is spectacular. My favorite scene is when Gordon Liu fights the shaolin monk to complete his training. The choreography is amazing. $$$ well spend. You must buy this movie. It is Gordon Liu at his best."