Ok if you like the actors, but done way better elsewhere bef
Ratspit | California, United States | 06/02/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"There are some extremely negative reviews online about this film, leading me to wonder what the deal is. Before I read these negative reviews I had pre-ordered this film from Amazon based on the actors in it that I like, (and the trailer looked interesting). Then the decision, to keep it, or send it back? I kept it. Watched it last night. Is it all that bad? Well, here's the deal, my opinion. The filming is fine, decent enough, does not look like any sort of a pathetic home movie or have a sci-fi channel look. The acting is fine, particularly from the seasoned actors (some of the line though are pretty throw away). The sets, music, etc., are all decent. Even the directing is decent. The material, on the other hand, leaves something to be desired. This is nothing we have not seen elsewhere, and done better (Doom, Resident Evil). I heard a bit of the audio commentary of the film by the director and Cuba, and the director mentions he was inspired by Carpenter's THE THING, and ALIEN. Well, those (incredible) films it's certainly not. But it is not really trying to be them either. It has it's own take on things I suppose. But it just comes off as a cheap DOOM, or Resident Evil, with elements of the PROPHECY films series. But the name itself tells you pretty much what it's about, "THE DEVIL'S TOMB". And that's where it gets old, the use of the same old tired and burned out religious themes. One sort of gets the feeling in a few places that one is looking at a pathetic attempt at Xtian Horror that some people got their hands on and made better out of it than it deserves. I'm very anti- religious, but it's theme's aren't all that distracting. It's just that it isn't all that great a film either. Some of the characters are interesting, but it all comes off as something retreading something else that has been done better before. But if you want to see some people creep around in a dark underground labyrinth, see some mild gore, and whatnot, then it isn't all that terrible. Certainly not worth the price they are charging currently, but if you see it in a discount bin somewhere later on, you might give it a shot. There are plenty of better films of this nature out there though and if you don't own them, you would certainly be better of purchasing them first, or instead."
Oh this is bad...
Keil Steven Greg | 05/26/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I thought there might be a chance this movie would be amusing, if not slightly reasonable given the cast.
I was wrong.
There might be some spoilers here, and for this movie I use the word lightly, but be warned.
The basic plot:
1) Crack team of commando type soldiers get assigned a special mission. Cuba us their leader.
2) An anthropologist, who works for the CIA, is the special 1-time leader. Their mission is to extract her father, who is another scientist type.
3) The go into a bunker, which used to be a tomb (1,000 feet deep). In the process, we learn that "sand can blast your skin off, so stay tight". Because if you are close to one another, obviously sand *can't* blast your skin off... for some reason.
4) The SAS type folks then find a person full of disease like boils. Of course, they treat the person and don't think that this is odd. The person is a priest, still alive, who they don't bother really containing.
5) Most of the SAS types go down a very fast moving elevator. 1 stays up. We learn that you can watch porn anywhere, as the 1 at the top level is keen to view porn. Later (by the way) he see's a hot lady on the level (which they previously cleared). So, we learn that SAS folks expect to find hot, naked ladies on levels of underground bunkers - which were previously found to have no hot naked ladies - and this is normal. Of course she eats him.
6) Back to our fearless heroes below. We learn that if you are SAS, and you see your unborn baby girl suddenly be a little girl while wondering the tombs underground corridors, you should follow her. It's a great idea. Then we learn that if she turns into a demon, that's reasonable (and she's still...cute?) I suppose SAS deal with that daily. Then, if you hear her again, you should follow her again. Even after she tried to bite you last time. Then, as you *are* in a danger zone and on a mission, whilst hearing your demon baby calling down the halls, our fearless mother to be decides it's a good time to suck on another woman's disease boils while satisfying her lesbian curiosity. Okay.
7) The rest of the troop go wandering around, looking for the lead scientist. Whilst doing the wandering, we learn a few more things:
a) That any other hallucination is something good, and should be followed, listened to, or otherwise obeyed.
b) That demon's don't know how to use elevators. But they can discourse on philosophy, open doors, use radios, equipment, and basically anything else. Except elevators.
8) The above relates to some plot line where the demons (I think) want to get out of the tomb. But they can't. Even though it turns out there are *two* entrances/exits, and for 1 of them you *didn't* need to use the elevator. It's a mystery why they can't get out. Maybe I missed something about them being impaired with elevator button pushing.
9) So they have the showdown with the major demon thing. Then, Cuba's character, who doesn't seem at all religious, get's inspired by another character. When he touches her amulet, he instantly becomes infused with passion and deep spiritual belief he's never had before, and suddenly becomes obsessed with a new calling in life. Cuba is now the religious demon hunter.
One could go on and on with the silly plot holes. If any of this sounds ridiculous to you, that's because it is. Really.
Watch this movie if you get it free, don't value your time (or are really sick, and laying on the couch in a fever), or really want to laugh at how bad a movie can be."
Low Budget Straight To DVD Release
Elvis Zombie | Angola, Indiana USA | 06/11/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be. The problem seems to be the high expectations people are having for this film starring Cuba Gooding Jr., Ron Pearlman, and Henry Rollins.
This is standard B movie stuff. The plot is a rehash of material done in the past. The title says everything you need to know...THE DEVIL'S TOMB. If you don't like cheeseball movies that include the demonic possessed, projectile vomit and Satan then this isn't for you.
The acting was actually pretty good for a low budget film. Cuba Gooding Jr. and Ron Pearlman are fine actors, and I found it entertaining watching former Black Flag frontman Henry Rollins overact in his role as a Catholic Priest.
The latex monster FX (boils, demonic make-up, blood) were also pretty good, but the few CGI FX included were dated. The plot could have been better, but I give the movie three stars because it was fairly entertaining compared to the other straight to video drek coming out these days. My wife hated this film and left the room until it was over. I believe most people will react as she did to this movie, so if you don't like B movies don't even bother.
I suggest renting rather than buying. Unless you are a hardcore Ron Pearlman, Cuba Gooding Jr. or Henry Rollins fan then you probably aren't going to get a whole lot out of this.