Bloody/funny/fun/terrifying/gorery = spectacular
Cheri Taylor | 04/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was a fun bloody and funny and gorey fun, there is no animation i like better then strong action bloody violence and this is what it is. This is funny to and very fun to watch this is a awsome series witch is very great that they brought up with great characters terrifying storyline and bloody guts spiling out fun. I just love animation with strong bloody violence like this its very fun to watch and you can watch it over and over and over again its so fun to watch, this is a animation with great voice actors well of course its from ADV films but this is a hot animation. The creature demons are so awsome looking the graphic is wonderfull to, and being that i have a big HD TV its even more better with soundng and crazy action awsome series. Justin cause did an exellent voice of dante, and hilary haag did a fun cute voice of patty like always in her animation but this was a fun animation i can't untill level3 comes out this was awsome fun. The demons are terrifying looking with great effect and design, this animation alone is just amazing with a great story and the whole story to, now you can step deeper inside the bloody truth behind dante's most dangerous missions. And these cases are even more lead filled and blood drenched then the last. Theres the demonic face behind the mafia. A rock star siren who'd sell her soul for a hit song. A lowly fisherman who reels in a satanically sinister catch. And a man who succumbs to dark purposes to fulfill a noble goal to shocking results. With more monsters, hooter babes, and more brutal battles, this is the most exciting anime series based on any game ever. Don't miss part two of the awsome Devil May Cry animated trilogy, this is a very fun series."