Do not buy, do not rent, you will thank me
K. Customer | albany, ny | 02/23/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"oh my god this was a bad movie, my friend and I rented it and watched it all the way through just to laugh at the acting(and camera angles, and special effects and plot) this was not worth my well earned $2.
and for those who saw this movie, i feel your pain.(that dude never put down his shovel! what the hell?)"
John | Wildwood, MO | 01/07/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not even going to explain how bad this movie is. I've seen worse but it's bad, really bad."
How did mankind survive before there were shovels?
Music Lover in Omaha | Omaha, Ne | 08/04/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, here goes. These orphans, who all look to be in their twenties decide to escape from the cruel orphanage. They work out this clever plan. The clever plan? Get out of bed and walk out the unlocked door then wait for the security guard to come out and beat him to death so they can then walk away. Yeah, that was clever. So they escape the orphange and they go into the woods where there is this book, passed down from the Druids. So they won't be caught and returned to the orphange, (even though they are all old enough to be holding down real jobs), they commit mass suicide, using some Druid spell, so that they can come back some time in the future when some unsuspecting souls wander into the woods and step into their magic circle. One guy and I have no idea where he came from, becomes the guardian of the circle and it is his destiny to defend the circle and make sure no one ever goes into the circle and be possessed by the orphans. So what does he do to make sure no one ever steps into the circle by accident? He builds a wall around it. Unfortunately, the wall is only about one inch high. Really..I'm not making this up. So a group of hikers (woo-hoo! unsuspecting souls)wander into the woods and all but one of them walks or trips or stumbles into the circle (I'm having trouble going on because this is so stupid) and they become possessed by the deceased orphans. The guardian, who was apparently sleeping on the job when this happens, decides he has to hunt down the now possessed people and destroy them to protect the Earth. He enlists the aid of the one guy from the hiker group who was not possessed to help. (And this guy is dumber than dirt) The guardian and the idiot hiker guy then enlist the aid of some young woman who is just a random friend of the guardian. So how do you track down these demons from the pit? I guess the plan was just to run in mindless panic, hiding in stupid places and hoping the demons find you, which they did with incredible ease. So after the demon orphans, one by one, never as a group find our three heroes, they are then dispatched by the guardian's secret weapon. Again, I'm not making this up. Now when I'm fighting demons, my arsenal consists of things like holy water, wooden stakes and silver bullets. A nice sharp sword that might behead one of the demons might come in handy too. Maybe carry a small Bible in a pocket. What does our hero use? A shovel he gets from a hardware store. With his trusty shovel, Excaliber, he beats the demons back to the burning pit. The only thing worse than the plot of this mess is the acting by an entire cast, and particularly the guardian guy. I have never seen such horrible acting. This guy should be the poster boy for bad acting. If you don't pay attention in drama class, this could be you. Anyway, if you want to see some incredibly bad acting in a movie that makes absolutely no sense at all with poor make-up and terrible camera work, this might be for you."
Benjamin Kidman | SanFrancisco,CA United States | 11/24/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"OH my god!!!
I don't know where I begin. This movie should go str8 to trashcan, instead to DVD. Me and my friend just rent it some local DVD store for $2.99..After we pop it in and we watched, Is soo lame in everything the story,poor & Dated special effects , camera shots sooo close to face ACTING AND CAST "was worst of all"...looks like they just went downtown in Gas station pick up some people back in the truck and throw them in this movie!!...Everything from head to toe is wrong in this movie me and my friend we just laugh out loud till half of this movie how stupid and crappie this movie is!. Around half the movie we couldn't stand it , We just pop out of the player and returned to DVD store and rent something else, AWFUL!!!! AWFUL!! Even not worth rental either!!! Waste my even damn $3.00.
Saw some few str8 to DVD movies, Was great special effects, rich good scrip with great camera works and scary...TRY "MADHOUSE","SHALLOW GROUND" .I bought them both for my DVD collection. And I am very happy i did!! Even my friends loved them.
SKIP THIS LAME TRASH U WOULD disappointed BIG TIME!! U been warned! " BIG "F"!!"