The Inspector: The screen's most comically inept detective wreaks havoc on the boulevards of Paris as he, with the help of his sidekick Deux Deux, wages a single-minded (and narrow-sighted) battle for justice. (34 Cartoons... more »/2 Discs) | Roland and Rattfink: The timeless melodramatic tradition of duelling polar opposites became the foundation of many an animated conflict, but never were Good and Evil so stylistically rendered as in the R&R cartoons. (17 Cartoons) | The Ant and the Aardvark: A&A revived the timeless cartoon conflict of predator and prey, and modernized it with an irreverent sense of humor and a splashy color palette emblematic of the late 1960s and early 70s. (17 Cartoons) | Tijuana Toads: Like an amphibian Laurel & Hardy, TT revives the thin guy/fat guy formula for comedy, and endows it with a distinctive south-of-the-border flavor. Toads Pancho and El Toro engage in madcap mischief while seeking to advance themselves within the biological food chain. (17 Cartoons)
Special Features: Goodbye, Warner Bros., Hello DePatie-Freleng Documentary | "Of Ants, Inspectors and Cranes" Documentary | ÒDePatie-FrelengÕs Odd CouplesÓ Documentary | DePatie-FrelengÕs Music and Sound Mix-ologistsÓ Documentary | Audio Commentaries for Selected Films by author Mark Arnold, Historian Jerry Beck, Filmmaker Greg Ford, Cartoon Writer William Hohauser and Friz Frelend (archival audio).« less