Hank Ketcham's popular comic-strip kid comes to uproarious screen life in Dennis the Menace, from writer/producer John Hughes, the creative force behind the family mega-hits Home Alone and Beethoven. Young Mason Gamble is ... more »all-boy, all-menace, all-Dennis right down to his slingshot and dog, Ruff.DVD Features:
Challenges:Dennis's Tin Can Challenge
DVD ROM Features:Garbage Contraption game
Featurette:Behind-the-scenes featurette
Interactive Menus
Interviews:Memories of a Menace, a 10th anniversary visit with Mason Gamble; conversations with Walter Matthau and John Hughes
Scene Access
TV Special:Original network special "A Menace Named Dennis"
Theatrical Trailer:Trailers of this and the sequel "Dennis the Menace Strikes Again"« less
Richard K. Southall | Covina, CA United States | 05/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"While this film does not break new cinematic ground; it was never intended to in the first place. Having said that, this is perhaps one of the most delightful, sweet and charming children's movie's I have ever seen. I say that with some amount of authority, as I have two young children, so watching children movies is something we do alot of. What makes this movie so utterly unforgettable is the sweet charm displayed between Walter Matthau (Grumpy Mr. Wilson) and Dennis (Mason Gamble). There is a unique, understated quality to this movie, where the soundtrack is rather understated and in many scenes you simply watch young Dennis or Mr Wilson (or both) interacting in gentle, silent ways. The movie has become a favorite of my 4 1/2 year old girl (Dennis-like herself) to watch before she goes to bed. We have even memorized some of the scenes and act them out at dinner, like when Mr Wilson eats a piece of chicken that has accidently become victim to Dennis' paint & wood glob. Matthau is so good in that scene; just watch his facial expressions...hardly says a word, but what a classic comedic scene.I can't rave enough about this movie, if only more movies could be made with such charm, care and love."
wally gator | USA | 10/12/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My name is Wally Gator, I'm a rock and roller, who also pushes a stroller. My reveiws here at Amazon tend to be about rock and roll and rock and roll related things, but lately I have been on a mission to spread the word about cool entertainment for young ankle biters and the tormented young parents of such.
As far as a family movie goes I give this FIVE STARS.. this means not only do I approve for the kids, but it is also a fun movie for ANYONE! It is rated PG, I think because CHRISTOPHER LLOYD plays a bandit and there are some scenes involving Dennis getting kidnapped, (the results are hillarious, I assure you.)
There is a reference or two about Dennis' parents having sex but they will definatley fly over any childs head who isn't already well schooled in the subject matter. And come on! LEA THOMPSON is HOT as Mrs. Mitchell in this movie, there has to be at least one stab. Its something about how his parents "wrestle" on Sunday mornings and thats when they like to be left alone...no big deal.
I found this movie to be very funny and so did the kids. If you need a new DVD for the family collection and despise BARNEY, THE WIGGLES, most DISNEY movies... the way that I do, then where do we go. Keep in mind that WALLY GATOR is on the task now. For now, go with this one. Even the baby got a chuckle out of it."
Never laughed so hard..
wally gator | 03/13/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A great family movie for all ages. The scene where Dennis ties up the Chris Lloyd and makes him eat all the beans, cracks me up beyond belief. My daughter,3, loves it, and if you have to watch a movie over and over(parents know what i mean) this is a great one."
Classic '90s comedy.
chick_flick | 01/26/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Dennis the Menace", directed by Nick Castle, is based on the hit 60's sitcom, by the same title.PLOT SUMMARY: Mason Gamble stars as Dennis Mitchell, a young kid who just can't seem to stay out of trouble. He doesn't MEAN to cause trouble...he just well, does. Walter Matthau stars as Dennis's grumpy next door neighbor, Mr. Wilson, who can't STAND Dennis. When Dennis's parents go away (Robert Stanton and Lea Thompson), Dennis must stay with the Wilsons, and Mr. Wilson is extremely unhappy about this. But when Dennis gets out of line, Mr. Wilson gets so angry that he yells at Dennis, which makes Dennis run away. That's when the real trouble begins...Dennis encounters an old neighborhood thief, Switchblade Sam (Christopher Lloyd), who kidnaps Dennis, and soon Dennis learns that Switchblade Sam has stolen some items from the Wilsons' house (and others from his neighborhood), so it's up to Dennis to save the day.MY OVERALL THOUGHTS: I haven't seen this film in a long time, but I remember it well. The acting from the entire cast is great. The storyline is light-hearted and fun. Mason Gamble was a perfect choice for Dennis. The directing is wonderful, too.From the looks of the DVD, there is going to be some great special features. The bonus features will include a behind-the-scenes featurette, a documentary on Dennis the Menace, a special "memories" document with Mason Gamble, a conversation with Walter Matthau, and another conversation with writer and producer, John Hughes. The DVD will also include trailers and a DVD-ROM game. The DVD will be available in wide screen format.I highly recommend "Dennis the Menace".Score:
Excellent Comedy
blackturtle | eastern CA desert | 06/03/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Walter Matthau and Mason Gamble were amazing in this hillarious comedy. I'm a fan of comedies in general and I enjoy the raunchiest comedies as well as the sweet and wholesome ones. This falls squarely into the sweet and wholesome end of the spectrum, but it ranks with the best I've ever seen in terms of humor. I got more than the usual number of strong laughs out of this movie. The interplay between Matthau and Gamble is remarkably good. Both seem to be masters at using facial expression to milk a situation for all it's worth. The other actors in this movie do a flawless job of supporting the efforts of the two stars of this movie. The DVD extras are also worth watching. This DVD is one of the best deals I've seen!"